Item Database

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For Traps
Decorated in chrome baubles with lovely blue accent pieces. This beautiful wreath unleashes winter's wrath upon mice that happen to wander in its way.

Also looks great as a decoration on your own tree!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
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Limited Edition No
For Traps
Powerful Arcane magics are extremely volatile to use and require hours of incantation to create, which is why this model is perfect for your magic conjuring needs!

The Dumbledroid 9000 can easily utter hours worth of incantations in mere seconds with its gigaquads of memory which stores spellbooks upon codices upon grimoires upon tomes of magical knowledge. It will always be equipped with the right spell for the job! Incorporate the droid with an Animatronic Bird and capture Arcane mice with ease!

This updated model has a reduced probability over the previous version of uttering the wrong words causing unintended side effects including but not limited to...

• Balding
• Turning your gold into a pile of stinky socks
• Turning your cheese into a pile of stinky gold
• Making everything disappear
• Destroying Gnawnia
• Ending all life as we know it
• Ducks

Other than that small list of basically harmless side-effects, this trap is great! We promise!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
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Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
This upright stone formation stands inconspicuously awaiting a weary wanderer. While an unaware mouse sits at the base to rest and nibble on the cheese, the two jewels overhead silently activate. The first peers into the mind of the mouse to determine its innermost wants and desires while the second projects those desires onto the keyway beneath. Upon seeing the irresistible illusion, the mouse is compelled to step through the keyway into oblivion, never to return.

No one actually knows where the mice go but it is said that after stepping through, they are completely forgotten from history, as though they had never existed at all.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
A Santa droid with his elf droids have setup their courtroom into a workshop in preparation for the holiday season. Those that get submitted to the court get judged on a whole different set of criteria to determine if they would make a nice or naughty gift for the good girls and boys.

Nice gifts get wrapped up and added to the pile, naughty gifts... well, they get wrapped up too but go somewhere a bit... warmer. And get turned into coal.

Interestingly enough, we have never seen Judge Christmas actually deliver any of his gifts.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
No longer a sanctuary in the midst of a desert, the Phantasmic Oasis Trap entrances and consumes any who dare venture too close. The psychedelic colours may be enticing, but beware! The phantasms and spirits that now inhabit this trap are cruel and merciless!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
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Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
The S.L.A.C. II is an improvement from its predecessor in two ways: The "S" in the acronym now stands for "sling", and the sling itself.

Utilizing the technology of what our scientists are calling "a very large rubber band", the S.L.A.C. II is able to harmlessly* sling mice away from your cheese and back into the desert.

*The slinging process itself does not harm the mouse.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
Although the Muridae Market is heavily fortified, the Marching Flame still poses a significant threat. It was this threat which prompted the local Trapsmith to devise a sentinel powered by Flameshards. Able to sink its body into the sand, the Sandtail Sentinel patiently waits with its eyes just above the surface, waiting for a mouse to approach a baited base.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
This trap was intended to pay homage to a mythical creature known only for its unparalleled mouse hunting prowess. Outfitted with a slew of clever traps it came as quite the surprise when the trapsmith who designed this tool of destruction found it utterly destroyed by its own means, the statue untouched. It is believed the simple traps were insult enough to the spirit of this creature that they simply destroyed themselves in its presence..
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
Desolate and disheartening, this trap paints a picture of a bleak and meaningless existence, even when observed in its resting state. When a mouse approaches, the Temporal Turbine begins to hum, spinning violently and churning impossibly dark clouds, forming a direct link with the depths of a void in space beyond our plane of existence.

Once the mouse begins to gaze into the contraption, the turbine links with the mind of the mouse, implanting the image of a mouse utopia, convincing it to surrender itself as it astrally-projects the soul of the mouse into space, leaving behind a dormant husk, never to return.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
Digby scientists were hard at work trying to improve upon the already amazing RhinoBot when a fluke of chance led to the creation of the Enraged RhinoBot! The pure platinum cogs make it practically indestructible and a machine of pure raging power! It is hard to say whether the scientists think their masterpiece a success or a failure. Since the Enraged Rhinobot has emerged from the labs, no one has been able to discover those scientists' whereabouts!!
Mousehunt Wiki page