Focus Karma Dragon

Images by Dragon City Social Point
Rarity Legendary legendary
Breeding Time 36:00:00 xp
Hatching Time 48:00:00 xp
Gold Income / hour ???
Exp. ???
This is one member of the Karma Collective whom you don't want to disturb while meditating... The Focus Karma Dragon is an expert at releasing his inner focus, resulting in paralyzing attacks that are over before you can even blink
Training time Power
War Giant Claw War war
48 hours 1050
Light Light Star Light light
48 hours 1050
Legend Rainbow Legend legend
12 hours 1050
Nature Leaf Blast Nature nature
12 hours 1050
Training time Power
Warwar Astro Hit+ War war
48 hours 2000
Lightlight Out Of Time Light light
48 hours 1350
Legendlegend Legend Spell+ Legend legend
48 hours 2600
Naturenature Beehive Nature nature
48 hours 1350