Dragon City Database
Precious Dragon [2205]
The Precious Dragon is one tough cookie, but when battles get too intense, she likes to go to her happy places. If you’re looking for her, she’s sure to be found in any small space that's filled with shiny objects
Predator Dragon [1154]
This dragon loves herbivores, especially eating them. Be careful! When he's hungry, he begins to devour any living thing slower than him. Except kittens, of course!
Preston Dragon [2539]
A fan favorite on DragonTube, the Preston Dragon has finally made his way to Dragon City! His tons of followers love his high-energy videos and crazy content!
Primal Titan Dragon [2381]
The prehistoric member of the titan deities that once protected Dragon City. The Primal Titan Dragon is somewhat feared by its titan comrades due to its primeval hunting techniques. It shows no mercy
Pungent Dragon [1828]
This would certainly be an insipid world without the Pungent Dragon’s provocative presence, which anyone can smell way before he even shows up. This gruff smart-aleck manages to irritate even the most peaceful souls, which explains why he is constantly engaged in conflict
Pure Flame Dragon [1074]
This more mature dragon of the Flame element is like royalty! As full of fire and character as the basic Flame Dragon, but with twice the readiness and wisdom
Purple Dragon [2637]
The powerful creation of the Red Dragon and the Blue Dragon... The Purple Dragon is the epitome of everything Legendary! Having this dragon on your team shows you're an expert in training the Legend element
Purpureus Dragon [2291]
Known for having the prettiest eyes in the land, one glance and you'll be lost in a sea of purple. The Purpureus Dragon will hypnotize you with her beauty, right before she breathes glistening, yet scorching, purple fire!
Pyramid Dragon [2340]
One of the 7 Wonders dragons, the Pyramid Dragon is an ancient beast that is worshipped by many. Each battle it wins gains it more power, pride, and followers...soon it'll have an army at its feet
Pyre Magus Dragon [2504]
On the contrary to his Magi peers, the Pyre Magus Dragon looks up to the leader that deserted them... His goal is to find the High Arcane Dragon and join him on his quest to annihilate