Dragon City Database
Hurricane Dragon [2575]
Unlike other Wind dragons, the Hurricane Dragon has not warmed to the newly formed Wind community. It considers itself an outsider and will form hurricanes just to watch young Wind dragons get blown away and lost forever
Ignition Dragon [1511]
A swipe from the Ignition Dragon is hard to recover from. This creature’s claws are made of sharp metal, but what makes them lethal is that they can also burn. Just thinking about them can hurt your skin
Immortal Dragon [1611]
Rumor has it that when it was this dragon’s turn to die, he refused to cross The Styx; instead, he stole Charon’s boat and used it to sail back to the world of the living
Imp Dragon [1479]
This mischievous dragon is always seeking attention, but his pranks can be a bit upsetting sometimes. In the end, he's just a lonely little creature who gets too bored
Impassible Dragon [1613]
This dragon is used to being the king wherever he goes. He doesn’t like anyone getting in his way or trying to outdo him. He will stop anyone from catching up to him, by fair means or foul
Impervious Diamond Dragon [2500]
Diamonds are a dragon's best friend! That certainly is the case for the Impervious Diamond Dragon, however, rather than show off his lavish jewels, he created an impenetrable exoskeleton out of them!
Impure Dragon [2209]
The Impure Dragon has an agenda to undo all the good deeds of the Pure Dragon. This fierce creature likes to bring the doom and gloom and hates seeing peaceful and happy dragons. Any good deed he’s ever done has always been by accident
Infinity Dragon [1861]
The Infinity Dragon is the brainchild of a mathematician applying Moebius strip equations to real life. This dragon can twist his body in the strangest ways, giving it complete spatial control. When it encircles his enemies, they quickly lose track of where it begins and where it ends
Ironheart Dragon [1816]
The extraordinary powers of this legendary dragon combine the hardness of metal and the potency and resilience of a beating heart, confusing its enemies who hardly have the weapons to fight such an unusual creature
Joan of Arc Dragon [2454]
The Joan of Arc Dragon doesn't play by the rules, she's here to fight stereotypes, and we love her for that. This heroine speaks up for what she believes in and makes sure victory is always hers