Dragon City Database
Redeemer Dragon [2099]
The Redeemer Dragon used to turn red whenever he was angry and ready to go wild in battle. Now, this hot-headed beast makes baby dragons cry, is permanently red, and is always on the search for new enemies to destroy
Reflected Revenge Dragon [2734]
The Triumphant Dragon was simply passing by when the Mirror Mage forced his reflection upon him. Thus, the Reflected Revenge Dragon was born. For he is here not for triumph, but for revenge
Rem Dragon [1420]
The Rem Dragon has a special power: he can see into the thoughts of others when they sleep. At night he's wide awake, studying them and planning the best way to use their fears against them in battle
Retired Dragon [1484]
Clear your mind must be if you are to master this dragon. Feed him well and train him you must. May the force be with you!
Rhythm Dragon [2075]
The Rhythm Dragon can only be beat if he’s standing perfectly still…but since he never is, he’s impossible to beat. This dragon loves to shake his groove thing and since there’s no beating him we suggest you join him
Robo Hound Dragon [2794]
After the Hound Dragon volunteered to be part of a top-secret defense experiment, the Robo Hound Dragon was born. A more lethal version of its canine counterpart, this living machine is ready for the Robo Brawl!
Rogue Dragon [1973]
Few have survived an attack from the Rogue Dragon and those that have, have it etched in their memory. With sharp serrated claws that draw energy from dark forces, this dragon follows no rules and does whatever he wants
Rorschach Dragon [1494]
The same way baby dragons look for animals in the clouds when they look at the sky, adults like to find shapes in the Rorschach Dragon. What each of them sees says a lot about their personality
Royal Phoenix Dragon [1752]
The Royal Phoenix Dragon has loyally served generations of kings as a messenger and bearer of secrets. Some say that he has so much information about wars and kingdoms that he’s more powerful than any of the kings he’s assisted
Rune Dragon [1686]
History keeps secrets from us, secrets that very few people and creatures know. The answers to these are written all over the Rune Dragon's body, but to discover them, you'll have to master him and learn to read the signs