Dragon City Database
Pure Metal Dragon [1079]
This highly evolved Pure Metal Dragon consists of a mix of metals still unknown to man. Hes incredibly durable and can take any heat without melting
Pure Nature Dragon [1076]
Like a flower that's just bloomed, this dragon is a pure, natural delight for the eyes. Everyone is always charmed by her beautiful energy and mesmerizing scent
Pure Sea Dragon [1075]
Even more fluid than you could have ever imagined, Pure Sea Dragon is also pure fun. Like a dolphin, he's always ready to play but also very intelligent by nature
Pure Terra Dragon [1073]
Tougher, stonier, and edgier, the Pure Terra Dragon is an impressive sight. He enjoys mountain climbing, rock crushing, and pretty much all temperatures!
Pure Titan Dragon [2740]
The leader of the titan deities that once protected Dragon City, the Pure Titan Dragon is ready to assemble once more this quintet of godly powers. Even the strongest of enemies live in fear of this titanic beast
Pure Virago Dragon [2448]
After been taken under the High Virago's wing, the Pure Virago Dragon soon came to realize that it was better to focus on her fighting skills, and not on what other people thought of her. Now, she also teaches young dragons to believe in themselves
Purple Dragon [2637]
The powerful creation of the Red Dragon and the Blue Dragon... The Purple Dragon is the epitome of everything Legendary! Having this dragon on your team shows you're an expert in training the Legend element
Purpureus Dragon [2291]
Known for having the prettiest eyes in the land, one glance and you'll be lost in a sea of purple. The Purpureus Dragon will hypnotize you with her beauty, right before she breathes glistening, yet scorching, purple fire!
Pursuer Dragon [1825]
This dragon lady is mysterious and seductive. She uses her feminine wiles to exploit her enemies’ weaknesses. Beware of this powerful vamp who can entice her adversaries and lead them to destruction by just fluttering her eyelashes
Pyramid Dragon [2340]
One of the 7 Wonders dragons, the Pyramid Dragon is an ancient beast that is worshipped by many. Each battle it wins gains it more power, pride, and followers...soon it'll have an army at its feet