June 2018 - Pyramid Maze

Event time: 4th June - 19th June 2018

Event info:

You can collect 600 event coins every 8-hours. This quest is 15-day long. So we can collect 27000 + 100 start bonus = 27100. Coins from cinema not included.

Dragons in this event:

Onslaught L: breeding event - Fortuna + Intraterrestrial
Intraterrestrial VR: reward from watching cinema ad
Eclipse R: no key needed, path costs 1680 coins Total: 1680
Fortuna R: needs 1 key: Eclipse step 4, path costs 3000 coins Total: 3090
Water SR: needs 1 key: Fortune step 3, path costs 2420 coins Total: 2890
Sand VR: needs 1 key: Water Storm step 5, path costs 3830 coins Total: 4180
Super Terra E: needs 2 keys: Eclipse step 10, Sand step 4, path costs 7240 coins Total: 8650
Bull E: needs 2 keys: Sand step 9, Super Terra step 5, path costs 10400 coins Total: 11910
Radiant E: needs 3 keys: Fortune step 9, Super Terra step 8, Bull step 6, path costs 15940 coins Total: 19230
Ra L: needs 3 keys: Eclipse step 20, Fortune step 19, Sand step 22, path costs 24250 coins Total: 29520
Sarcophagus L: needs 4 keys: Water Storm step 15, Super Terra step 21, Radiant step 9, Ra step 4, path costs 26250 coins Total: 39860
Stonework VR: will appear on 9th of June, path costs 12000 coins
Heat E: will appear on 12th of June, path costs 19020 coins
Discus Thrower L: will appear on 15th of June, path costs 20260 coins

Note: The path costs calculation includes the bonus coins in the maze path

For details of the coins, here is the spreadsheet: 2018-June-PyramidMazeEvent.xlsx

My recommendations:

Dont rush into the maze blindly! It is recommended to hoard the coins until we are sure we can get certain dragons that we want. Since we can only get 27100 coins from daily collection, therefore we have to choose which dragon to get.

Onslaught L Dragon
You can hatch this dragon if you are at least level 36.
This dragon from breeding event is not 100% success rate. It is purely based on luck.
My recommendation is if you like to gamble then go for this.
To get the Onslaught, you need to breed Fortuna and Intraterrestrial during the breeding event.
You can get the Fortuna dragon from the maze, which costs 3000 coins in total, leaving us with 24100 coins from daily collection.
You can get the Intraterrestrial dragon egg from watching the ads. The hatching period is 23 hours.
Bear in mind that the breeding event only lasts for the first 2 days of the event. So get the dragon and start breeding.

Apart from Onslaught, these are the L dragons available in this event:

Discus Thrower L Dragon
We definitely have enough coins for this dragon. Just wait for 15 June for it to appear to get.

Ra L Dragon
We should also have enough coins for this dragon. We just need to get 150 coins from watching ads event which is pretty doable.
In fact, I already have collected 340 coins from watching the ads so far.
Mind you though, this dragon only has 2 elements. Might be a derp dragon.

Sarcophagus L Dragon
Also definitely enough coins for us to get this dragon from just using the 27100 coins from the dailies.
Just make sure you dont miss any coins to collect each day.


As per the usual tradition of Dragon City event, there will be a Battle Quest requiring one of the dragons obtainable from the event.

The following is the preparation for this:
- Make sure you have one available slot for hatching
- Have enough food to level up the required dragon

UPDATE: The battle quest dragon for this event is: Fortune Dragon

Maze map: June 2018 - Pyramid Maze Map

Reference: https://forums.socialpointgames.com/topic/7410/pyramid-island-4th-june-19th-june/9