Operation: Fireworks Disposal

January 12, 2017 | Blog

The King's personal pyrotechnic expert has been surveying the remaining fireworks left in hunters' inventories across Gnawnia and has come to a frightening conclusion. She has informed the King that simply allowing these undeployed fireworks to remain is a recipe for disaster!

Who knows what might set them off while they are spread across the Kingdom in precarious locations? Imagine if a large quantity of them were to deploy while underground in the Fungal Cavern, or while scaling the narrow stairs of the King's Gauntlet, or while facing the Marching Flame at the Fiery Warpath — Wait, that last one might be alright.

In any case, she has made the recommendation to the King that all available hunters should make their way back to the Vacant Lot in order to safely detonate and dispose of their leftover ordnances.

Under her advice, the King has agreed to allow hunters to visit the General Store in the [[location=name=Vacant Lot]] and deploy their remaining Festive New Year's Fireworks for 1,000 gold each (as an Environmental Handling Fee).

In exchange, hunters can hang onto the Deployed Festive New Year's Fireworks left behind from the fireworks disposal.

Once hunters have disposed of their old fireworks, they can check out the other festive shoppes to purchase the special New Year's goodies! Remember that these items are Limited Edition and will not be tradable on the Marketplace.

If you have any leftover Festive New Year's Fireworks, head to the General Store in the Vacant Lot now to deploy them!

This disposal enterprise will operate until Tuesday, January 17 2017, when all shoppes in the Vacant Lot will close.