Walkthrough Guide:
1. Catch Pirate Mouse
Adventure: Catch a Pirate Mouse to Obtain a Crew Manifest

If this is your first time here, you will need to catch Pirate Mouse to start the minigame to capture the pirate crew mice.

2. Defeat the Pirate crew ships
Adventure: Defeat Pirate Ships to Recover Map Scraps

Adventure: Repair the Calm Clearing Map Piece

Once you have captured Pirate Mouse, you can start searching the pirate crew to catch.

You can begin another search by re-capturing Pirate Mouse. This mouse is only available to catch when you have no active bounty.
You can re-do the bounty to your heart's content as there is no limit to reach Journeyman / Journeywoman or you can go back to Windmill to farm Captain Croissant Mouse
Then you can move to Calm Clearing or Mountain to continue your journey.
Click the following links for the guide according to the location you choose:
Mountain Guide - Recommended to choose this to enable equipping Charm.