Shattering Charm

Shattering Charm
Group Charm
Sub Group Twisted Garden
Consume Method Custom
Tradeable No
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
How to get
Produced using Recipe(s)
Powerful essences and aromas combine to create this charm, attracting the most powerful beings in the Living Garden and beyond.

In the Twisted Garden, this charm will attract an over-charged mouse with a predilection for Lunaria.

In the Sand Crypts, a monstrous and over-evolved mouse can be seen in the deepest and most violent sandstorms. This mouse is immensely powerful, so great care and preparation should be taken before engaging.

The Cursed City is the domain of a powerful and ancient Magi mouse, rumoured to be the cause of the city's curses. Regardless, he can never be caught with the curses still in effect.

Since you won't be able to augment your trap with another charm when taking on these powerful mice, make sure you have the strongest traps possible available to you before attempting to take them on!
Mousehunt Wiki page