The Forgotten Art Of Dance Trap

Group Trap
Sub Group Forgotten
Refundable Yes
Refund Price 32,000 goldgold
Refund Ratio 17.977528089888%
Limited Edition No
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 5,000
Power Bonus 12%
Attraction Bonus 6%
Luck 6
Cheese Effect No Effect
How to get
Sold At
Built by the smoothest and suavest dance scientists in Digby. This dance bot was created by modifying existing droids with extra suave servos and fully funk-tioning mechanical rhythm rotator cuffs, giving this droid the ability to get down! Mice trigger the dance challenge proximity sensor that starts the music and initiates a dance battle with the droid. Mice usually dance until they inevitably faint from exhaustion.
Mousehunt Wiki page