Unstable Celestial Timechest

Unstable Celestial Timechest
Group Basket
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Tradeable No
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
Items from Unstable Celestial Timechest

Opening this always gives you the following:

Random Items from Unstable Celestial Timechest

Opening this gives you one or more of the following: Details in the MHWiki link below

This secret cache of treasure has been carefully hidden from would-be thieves by the guardians of the Rift Gauntlet Tower. Using their knowledge of time and space, the guardians have put the chest slightly out of phase with our timeline. Only those experienced in traversing and exploring the Rift Gauntlet Tower will be able to fully bring the chest back into sync to uncover the full treasure inside.

The contents of this chest will increase depending on the highest floor a hunter has explored during Ultimate Umbra. The rewards increase at floor 16, 32, 48, 64, and reach their maximum if a hunter has ever reached floor 80.
Mousehunt Wiki page