Item Database
The kind, hardworking and resourceful earth pig is represented in this Jade Base.
Those who complete the 2019 Lunar New Year adventure are awarded with this carefully carved Pig Jade Base! Mousehunt Wiki page
This base is made from magical glacial ice that seems to absorb and freeze the humidity in the air, mysteriously retaining its shape. This physics-defying ice is imported by Ronza the merchant, perhaps making it the most expensive cube of water you'll ever own!
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A simulated spill was safely poured onto this base to mask it from its surroundings. Hard to distinguish between the actual spill itself, it allows the pollution of the Toxic Spill to seep through it, adding a chance for mice to drop a Radioactive Curd. Additionally, the Polluted Base will react with Polluted Charms, increasing the core radiation and using that energy to add extra Luck!
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A slab of the foundation from the Valour Rift Gauntlet Tower. It shares a bond with the original structure and grows stronger the further you progress into the tower. The bond is so strong that it persists through and outside of the Rift Plane, in all other areas of the Kingdom.
This base will grow in power as the hunter reaches new heights: +10 Power Boost per floor based on highest reached during the Ultimate Umbra +1 Luck Boost per Eclipse caught based on most caught during the Ultimate Umbra Riftwalker Set Required: Rift Base, Weapon, and CharmSet Bonus (2 pieces):
Set Bonus (3 pieces):
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This repurposed Hailstone Cannon has been permanently set in a bed of hardened amber queso making it portable and allowing it to be used outside of the Great Winter Taiga. When used in the Queso Canyon region, this augmented cannon fires Solidified Amber Queso at any mouse that approaches your trap and each successful hit will explode into bonus Queso Canyon loot!
While armed within the Queso Canyon Region: • This base will consume 5 Solidified Amber Queso on every hunt • Mice will drop bonus Queso Canyon loot when caught Mousehunt Wiki page
A beautiful image of a rabbit is delicately etched into this base bringing luck, generosity, and kindness year round.
Those who completed the 2023 Lunar New Year adventure were awarded this elegant Rabbit Jade Base! Mousehunt Wiki page
The determined, goal oriented and ever evolving metal rat is represented in this Jade Base.
Those who complete the 2020 Lunar New Year adventure are awarded with this masterfully masoned Rat Jade Base! Mousehunt Wiki page
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A delicious layer of cream cheese frosting covers a bed of deep red velvet!
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A significant allotment of Refined Pollutinum has been forged, folded and heat treated for maximum strength and durability. The refining process has given it a natural ability to absorb and nullify toxins and radiation.
The Refined Pollutinum Base will react with Polluted Charms, increasing its core radiation and using that energy to add extra Luck! Mousehunt Wiki page
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This base is able to remotely detonate any explosive device, meaning you can properly time Bomb Squad mice explosions to propel you forwards instead of backwards!
Be especially careful placing your cheese on that big red button! The slightest bump could- Mousehunt Wiki page