Item Database

Group Base
Sub Group Rift
Refundable No
Limited Edition Yes
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 200
Power Bonus 10%
Attraction Bonus 20%
Luck 10
Cheese Effect No Effect
This mystical base has a direct link to the Grand Exchange: a whimsical place of wheeling and dealing, where buyers and sellers are aplenty, and everything is always in demand. This base was explicitly designed to exchange Gauntlet Elixirs for Tower Sigils! Of course, the price for this convenience is one soul... but any soul will do!

The Elixir Exchanger base will trade 1 Gauntlet Elixir and 1 captured mouse soul for 2 Tower Sigils.Riftwalker SetRequired: Rift Base, Weapon, and CharmSet Bonus (2 pieces):+20% Power BonusSet Bonus (3 pieces):+20% Power Bonus+5 Luck
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Sub Group Rift
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 100
Power Bonus 10%
Attraction Bonus None
Luck 10
Cheese Effect Stale
How to get
Sold At
This base is comprised of a system of inductive power coils that convert mystical Enerchi directly into usable power via the process of induction. Through a complicated system of coils, magnetic fields and some transformers for good measure, it uses Enerchi to create even more Enerchi!

This base will generate 2 Enerchi whenever a mouse drops some as loot or when some is generated from an Enerchi Charm.
Riftwalker Set
Required: Rift Base, Weapon, and Charm
Set Bonus (2 pieces):
  • +10% Power Bonus
Set Bonus (3 pieces):
  • +10% Power Bonus
  • +5 Luck
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Sub Group Birthday
Refundable Yes
Refund Price 14,000 goldgold - Item costs are not refunded
Refund Ratio 17.5%
Limited Edition No
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 300
Power Bonus 8%
Attraction Bonus 8%
Luck 8
Cheese Effect Extremely Fresh
How to get
Sold At
A delicious batch of birthday cupcakes baked and put under a tough sheet of thermal glass. The cupcakes are kept fresh and warm inside of this impregnable container, emitting a sugary glow of irresistible deliciousness. A perfect base for catching mice and celebrating MouseHunt's 8th Birthday!

On top of that, this base contains a special surprise secretly added by the Head Trapsmith Chef: Cupcakes that happen to pop off the base during any scuffles turn into Cupcake Charms! Also, with the included lifetime warranty, all damaged cupcakes are covered under an immediate replacement plan, so your base is never missing one of its colourful cupcakes!

This base has a rare chance to drop an Extra Sweet Cupcake Charm when a mouse is caught!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 175
Power Bonus 12%
Attraction Bonus None
Luck 2
Cheese Effect Very Fresh
With its high-speed fans, this base keeps cheese very fresh and is quite "uplifting" for mice who wander onto this trap.

Get yours FREE by becoming part of the fanbase here!

Our thanks to you for being a fan!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Sub Group Great Winter Hunt
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 100
Power Bonus None
Attraction Bonus 15%
Luck 10
Cheese Effect Very Fresh
Winter Hunt in a box! Compress your Winter Hunt tree into this lovely crystal box that doubles as a base! You can now remember it all year round just as you left it.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Refundable No
Limited Edition Yes
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 300
Power Bonus 5%
Attraction Bonus 5%
Luck 4
Cheese Effect Stale
Firecrackers have suffered a recent bout of unpopularity lately in Gnawnia, after a rash of accidents convinced many members of the public that fireworks are unsafe. Luckily, the appeal of these high-quality fireworks is rapidly erasing the stigma caused by all the accidents. . . by encouraging people to cause more accidents. Only this time, the accidents will be happening to mice-- hopefully.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Sub Group Rift
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 450
Power Bonus 15%
Attraction Bonus 5%
Luck 12
Cheese Effect Stale
How to get
Sold At
An incredibly powerful base crafted to contain the raw power that emanates from the Whisker Woods Rift. A volatile slab of ageless wood from a tree not too unlike our own Great Gnarled Tree of the world we know, marked by mysterious runes. It seems to be endlessly shattering outward by the force of the power within while thorned vines pour out of the tear in the centre, keeping itself from crumbling apart.

Any mouse stepping anywhere near this base is not getting away!
Riftwalker Set
Required: Rift Base, Weapon, and Charm
Set Bonus (2 pieces):
  • +10% Power Bonus
Set Bonus (3 pieces):
  • +10% Power Bonus
  • +5 Luck
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Sub Group Folklore Forest
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 500
Power Bonus 15%
Attraction Bonus None
Luck 10
Cheese Effect Fresh
How to get
Sold At
Inspired by the droids from the Golem Workshop, the Folklore Forest Trapsmiths decided to take a page out of their book and design their own, less festive version of the Printing Press Base. Just load some Prolific Printing Paper into this miraculous base and take it to any location in the Folklore Forest. As you hunt there, it will print the names of all the mice you catch onto a "Gnawnia's Most Wanted" list, causing them to doubt their dastardly ways, and generating a massive power and luck bonus for your trap!

While hunting in any Folklore Forest location, this base will consume one Prolific Printing Paper per hunt to increase its stats to:

    4,500 Power 35% Power Bonus 35% Attraction Bonus 57 Luck
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Sub Group Moussu Picchu
Refundable No
Limited Edition Yes
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 400
Power Bonus 12%
Attraction Bonus 10%
Luck 10
Cheese Effect Very Fresh
This highly sophisticated, technological wonder was originally created to aid the air traffic controllers of Hollow Heights by detecting incoming storms. Due to a serious design flaw (or, as the designers claim, an "unexpected feature"), this remarkable gadget not only forecasts the weather but it actually intensifies it! After a few notable airspace incidents involving some very unlucky dirigibles, the air traffic controllers banned these devices permanently. A few clever hunters then picked up the discarded units and adapted them for mouse hunting on Moussu Picchu where they've since proved quite useful in speeding up progress through the region.

Use this base in Moussu Picchu to double the weather intensity gained on every successful catch based on the type of cheese that is armed.
Mousehunt Wiki page