Item Database

Group Skin
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For Traps
A structure emulating the protective husk of the meteor that crashed into Fort Rox, except now it is being used to imprison mice instead of protect them!

With a loud crack, the sphere quickly shatters and surrounds the unsuspecting cheese thief, locking them away within their own prison dimension.

The warm glow seems so inviting until a mouse gets too close...
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
A damsel in distress waiting for a hero to come to the rescue! When mice attempt to climb the tower to free the one trapped, they end up becoming trapped climbing an infinite number of stairs while "What is love?" plays on endless loop.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
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Limited Edition No
For Traps
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Too all mice who approach, the wise well will offer them a proposition. "Answer the riddle I propose and all this cheese will be yours to hold!" The trick is that the well acknowledges every answer as correct. As the mice come to collect their prize, they will realize only too late that the bucket and cheesy reward is fake! A super sticky substance shaped into a bucket and cheese that traps the mice that touch it then promptly drops back into the well from where it came.

The wisest one knows that there is no such thing as "free cheese."
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
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Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
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Assembled here is a monstrous trap of arcing electrical surges, pumping straight from the quantum quartz in the center. When a mouse triggers this trap, it is subjected to an infinite timeline of catch attempts to find one where it is caught. Unfortunately, sometimes the timeline it finds is not your own, giving an alternative reality version of yourself credit for the catch. Hey, at least it's nice to know one of the many versions of you is always catching a mouse!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
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Perched atop Monolith Slabs, the deadly Reaper Droid gazes through smoke awaiting prey. Upon bait being lifted from the stone plate, the runic glyphs begin to glow, mesmerizing the mouse into a state of anhedonia, allowing the droid to descend upon the mouse with little resistance. Where the rodent goes once taken by the droid is up to the will of the hunter.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
Celebrate a warm, holiday evening down by the hunting campsite with a beautiful snapshot of the cosy holiday season captured in this wondrous trap skin.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
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Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
Working with some clever trapsmiths and the oasis bead you were able to create a tunnel of water and give it a mind of its own. While on standby the trap simply looks like a still pool of fresh water in a beautiful desert oasis, however any mouse it encounters will be snatched up and rocketed through the water tunnel to whatever destination you've set, be that Davy Jones' Locker or another continent. If this were big enough for a human and much safer, one might consider using it for a more cost effective travel method...
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
A bit of snow and some frost won't stop this fount from erupting! The covered fount now spits snowballs consisting of a warm Queso center at a completely unpredictable rate! Mice attracted by the faint aroma of Queso combined with the lure of a possible snowball fight get quickly overwhelmed!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
The ultimate in steam laser technology, the Steam Laser Mk. III is truly a marvel of engineering. Able to hyper-heat steam beyond normal (or safe) levels, this trap is truly the pinnacle of anti-Iceberg weaponry. Even Icewing herself fears and will attack this trap on sight!

This combination of hot and hydro works especially well on the Slushy Shoreline and in the Iceberg.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
Assembled here is a monstrous trap of arcing electrical surges, pumping straight from the quantum quartz in the center. When a mouse triggers this trap, it is subjected to an infinite timeline of catch attempts to find one where it is caught. Unfortunately, sometimes the timeline it finds is not your own, giving an alternative reality version of yourself credit for the catch. Hey, at least it's nice to know one of the many versions of you is always catching a mouse!
Mousehunt Wiki page