Item Database

Group Skin
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Limited Edition No
For Traps
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Chrome Celestial Dissonance TrapRing in the new year with a complete RAGER of a disco! The interdimensional dance floor is packed with droids programmed with all the latest and greatest ways of bustin' a move. If it feels like the party will never end that's because, well... it won't. Infused with rift power, the chrome disco ball twists and distorts both time and space so mice can dance the night away for all of eternity.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable No
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
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Chrome School of Sharks TrapThis sleek and shiny aquatic robotic animal has been programmed for optimal fun and friendliness! It is the perfect companion for a light-hearted day of scuba diving, surfing, and, its personal favourite, underwater ring toss. Any mice that encounter this narwhal's shiny smile and sparkling personality are bound to just give up their nefarious ways and join in on the fun!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
For use with:
Chrome Circlet of Pursuing TrapThe Chrome Circlet of Pursuing can now pursue mice in an even more supernatural way! With a ghostly figure swaying in the cool night breeze set to pursue mice and a sticky spider web to catch any who attempt an escape.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable No
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
For use with:
Chrome School of Sharks TrapThis aquatic robotic royal rules the seas with a literal iron fist! Her marine majesty is so mighty that one trident just wasn't enough!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable No
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
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For use with:
Chrome Thought Obliterator TrapCommemorate the year of the Rabbit with this beautiful Lunar New Year Paifang trap skin!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable Yes
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
If it fits, it sits! A Chrome Sphynx Trap dressed up in a Father Winter outfit sitting inside of an opened gift box. Lying in wait until a curious mouse comes by to pay it a visit. From a distance, mice have a hard time telling the difference until they see the shine coming off of its chrome face as it pounces!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable No
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
For use with:
Chrome School of Sharks TrapNo holiday decorations are complete without these adorable (but extremely fragile) aquatic predators swimming around your tree! They have a polished, chrome-plated porcelain exterior and rows upon rows of razor-sharp, twinkling teeth. They are sure to bring light and joy to the festive season... as long as you don't step on one!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable No
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
The ultimate upgrade for the ultimate aquatic predator! This fearsome trap is the perfect fusion of cutting edge technology with prehistoric predatory instincts. It takes all the ferocity of its predecessor and enhances it with chrome armour plating, ultra high-powered multi-wavelength laser emitters, and solid chrome teeth so sharp that they could slice through the hull of a battleship like it was a tin can... just imagine what they could do to a mouse!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable No
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
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The ultimate upgrade for the ultimate aquatic predator! This fearsome trap is the perfect fusion of cutting edge technology with prehistoric predatory instincts. It takes all the ferocity of its predecessor and enhances it with chrome armour plating, ultra high-powered multi-wavelength laser emitters, and solid chrome teeth so sharp that they could slice through the hull of a battleship like it was a tin can... just imagine what they could do to a mouse!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Skin
Tradeable No
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
For Traps
A mystical stone structure soaked in thought wave magnifying chrome. The resonance of the chrome amplifies the thought projections of the encased jewels, allowing them to grasp the minds of mice from further away. The mind erasure process is even faster as everything the mice experience is chrome! The jewels work their magic until the victim's mind is as spotless and shiny as the chrome itself.
Mousehunt Wiki page