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By utilizing raw Rift crystals and advanced technology, intrepid hunters have attempted to create a trap capable of harnessing the indomitable powers of the Rift. Being such a foreign power, the trap is barely able to hold itself together, but thankfully it retains enough control to not immediately destroy itself and instead allows the hunter to focus its power to retain a hunting edge within this dangerous alien landscape.
Riftwalker Set Required: Rift Base, Weapon, and CharmSet Bonus (2 pieces):
Set Bonus (3 pieces):
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Mice who try to steal cheese from this powerful trap are transported into a smaller, more twisted version of the Labyrinth. Only mice powerful or lucky enough manage to escape from this trap before it locks them within. The rest will live the remainder of their natural lives forgotten within this endless maze.
Due to the nature of this trap, the King has expressedly forbidden hunters from nesting these traps into other Endless Labyrinth traps, as infinitely shrinking things to beyond the smallest known particle might have cataclysmic consequences on the natural order of the universe... Mousehunt Wiki page
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Dragon Slayer CannonCelebrate Lunar New Year to the beat of drums and cymbals! The dance of the dragon, controlled by choreographed droids, is capable of mesmerizing mouse and hunter alike. Mousehunt Wiki page
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Dark Magic Mirrors TrapMost reflecting pools are designed to provide a moment of serenity and honest reflection for any onlooker wishing to discover their true self. This one however, is designed to reflect a mouse's deepest, innermost demons which paralyzes them with fear and turns them into an easy catch! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Infinite Dark Magic Mirrors TrapUnsuspecting mice are lured to their demise by deliciously decadent chocolate effigies. As the flavour deepens so does their impending doom. Mousehunt Wiki page
The scientists of Digby used their knowledge of tunnel digging technology to create the ultimate mouse adversary. Using its two massive high-speed drills this titan can easily destroy any mouse put in its path.
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This immaculate chest is the last thing from this world that a greedy mouse will see. If an opponent ventures too closely the chest will spring to life and be upon them, opening itself to another dimension and pulling the mouse within.
Mousehunt Wiki page
This immaculate chest is the last thing from this world that a greedy mouse will see. If an opponent ventures too closely the chest will spring to life and be upon them, opening itself to another dimension and pulling the mouse within.
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Assembled here is a monstrous trap of arcing electrical surges, pumping straight from the quantum quartz in the center. When a mouse triggers this trap, it is subjected to an infinite timeline of catch attempts to find one where it is caught. Unfortunately, sometimes the timeline it finds is not your own, giving an alternative reality version of yourself credit for the catch. Hey, at least it's nice to know one of the many versions of you is always catching a mouse!
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For use with:
Dark Magic Mirrors TrapA fun house mirror that distorts a mouse's reflection into that of a delicious cake. The sight of turning into a sugary treat is often too much for the poor mice! Mousehunt Wiki page