Item Database
A beautiful image of a rabbit is delicately etched into this base bringing luck, generosity, and kindness year round.
Those who completed the 2023 Lunar New Year adventure were awarded this elegant Rabbit Jade Base! Mousehunt Wiki page
How to get
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Used in Recipe(s)
Glowing, irradiated curd of cheese. Warm to the touch!
Mousehunt Wiki page
How to get
Dropped by
Is used as material cost
Used in Recipe(s)
This toxic waste is the result of Radioactive Blue cheese turning stale.
Mousehunt Wiki page
This formidable, fully-powered contraption has the ability to resonate subharmonic frequencies that only mice can hear. It uses this melodious stonesong to lure its prey hypnotically into a secluded location deep within a rock formation. Once the mesmerized mouse is within reach, the trap snatches it with its mighty stone pincers and encases it into a nearby boulder. It then uses its ultra-high powered laser tail to carve a slab out of the boulder so that it can carry the encased mouse and deliver it to the hunter on a stone platter.
It is said that the trap resonates a unique stonesong depending on the mouse but all the hunter ever hears is rock. Over time, some hunters have grown quite fond of this strange but compelling "rock music". Mousehunt Wiki page