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A bed of Ember Stone with a vine of wild Ember Root thriving within it. The living Ember Roots lash out and entwine those brave enough to get too close, then it turns up the heat!
When used at the Queso River, the incredible amount of ambient heat produced from this base is harnessed by the Queso Pump, increasing production by 50%. Extracts 50% more Bland Queso when used at the Queso River! Mousehunt Wiki page
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The S.L.A.C. II is an improvement from its predecessor in two ways: The "S" in the acronym now stands for "sling", and the sling itself.
Utilizing the technology of what our scientists are calling "a very large rubber band", the S.L.A.C. II is able to harmlessly* sling mice away from your cheese and back into the desert. *The slinging process itself does not harm the mouse. Mousehunt Wiki page
Diligent and indomitable. Carved into this base is the Mighty Ox with its infallible fighting spirit backed by an unbreakable strength of will.
Those who completed the 2021 Lunar New Year adventure were awarded with this intricately carved Ox Jade Base! Mousehunt Wiki page