Item DatabaseDescription
The powerful, mystical energies contained within this base act as a ward against the heinous curses that plague the Lost and Cursed cities. These energies are indiscriminate and unpredictable so sometimes they may simply remain dormant while other times they will lash out against the forces of evil and break a random curse!
Arm this base for a 50% chance to break any curse in the Lost City and Cursed City upon catching a mouse. Curse-specific charms will always apply first, allowing hunters to potentially break up to two curses in a single hunt! Mousehunt Wiki page
How to get
Dropped by
Is used as material cost
Used in Recipe(s)
This tiny plant holds something mysterious inside - an energy so powerful that it could change the world, if only it were harnessed correctly.
Surely, there must be some way to intensify and combine that energy into something more powerful. Mousehunt Wiki page