Shorts-All-Year Mouse
Profile Description
This old, retired, grumpy gus of an engineer has put his yearly plans to travel to warmer climes for the winter on hold. He's usually on a westerly wagon to the Sandtail Desert by now, but the Festive Comet unfortunately landed right on top of his wagon before he boarded. Now, he's a bit stranded and, as you can imagine, a bit cold!
This mouse has meticulously planned his retirement around being just the right amount of warm all year; never too hot, and never, ever too cold. So much thought has gone into this lifestyle decision that he has changed his whole wardrobe to revolve around only wearing his favourite summer apparel: Shorts! Stubborn as ever, he has put his engineering know-how (and most of his retirement savings) towards developing quite the sophisticated network of portable heaters to heat things up a bit! Nothing will get in this mouse's way when it comes to enjoying his retirement! He is not letting a little snow ruin his plans for having his fun in the sun this winter, but the sudden rapid heating near the Festive Comet is threatening to thaw the Winter Hunt cheer too early this year and he must be stopped! Mousehunt Wiki page