Mouse Database
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Sunken City > Lair of the Ancients,Monster Trench
Bait: SUPER|brie+ ![]() ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
Now long forgotten, from a time before hunters were hunters and the "Town of Gnawnia" was nothing more than a few huts and tents, this ancient terror ruled the depths of the ocean.
Legend states that in the deepest, darkest crevices of the underwater trenches lies dormant one of the most terrifying sea-dwelling mice known to hunters, unfathomably large and more mind-numbingly horrifying than the Deep Mouse. However unbelievable the tales may be, reports from the King's Far-and-Wide Expedition Team (FAWET) show that something has responded to the rumbling engines of recent expeditions into the Rodentia Ocean. This long-forgotten Old One has begun to stir, and its first order of business is to find those responsible for disturbing its slumber! Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Sunken City > Coral Castle,Deep Oxygen Stream,Magma Flow,Murky Depths
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
Their translucent body allows them to hide among their surroundings unnoticed. Special reflective scales provide additional camouflage from its predators and potential prey.
Don't let these looks fool you! Her natural defences help her stay safe and give her an edge to ambush potential prey. Mousehunt Wiki page
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Profile Description
This extremely poor hunter has evolved some pretty exciting traits. Almost completely blind, the Angler Mouse uses a light-emitting feeler to help him see in the dark waters and allow him to read at night, keeping his mind sharp if the time ever comes for him to use it. Sharp talons not only protrude from his hands, but all over his body to allow him to catch prey at any angle. Most of his meals are acquired by pure accident!
His gigantic tail fin gives him the ability to keep up with his "friends" with minimal effort, making it useful for catching up to prey, considering it looks like this particular Angler Mouse hasn't been eating too much... But don't let his scrawny figure fool you! Remember, accidents happen! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Profile Description
Scouring the deep for the most beautiful of Barnacles, this beautician loves the look and feel of freshly-formed Barnacle shells, moulding and shaping them into fine jewelry and accessories. Always on the lookout, her eyes just light up whenever she spots a particularly pretty bunch or a new candidate to become part of her latest fashions.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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The lone wolf of the ocean. Once fully-grown, the Barracuda Mouse separates himself from the pack, fearless and strong enough to sustain himself on his own.
Be wary if you see them in pairs or more: They will hunt in packs when they plan on taking out bigger quarry. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Sunken City > Deep Oxygen Stream,Oxygen Stream,Lost Ruins,Magma Flow,Murky Depths
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
An ancient fish found in the deeper parts of the ocean. Incredibly strong and agile. He has evolved into the perfect deep sea hunter.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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This mouse slowly crawls along the ocean floor, scrounging for scraps of anything that could resemble food. It moves so slowly that Barnacles easily form along this mouse's leathery hide.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Profile Description
The Carnivore Mouse is a ruthless, insatiable and relentless predator. Being known to hunt even its own kind when food becomes scarce sets this beast apart from the other ocean monsters.
This mouse is one of the many terrors that haunt the dreams of sailors and explorers and of those that dare to hunt in the deep sea. Remember, hunter: Venturing too deep has its consequences... Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Profile Description
The high society of the Sunken City. Prim, proper and poised, these nobles are ready at a moment's notice to take up arms against any who challenge them. Trained in the art of fencing, constantly battling for their status inside the city, the City Noble Mouse is a respectable member of the oceanic occupants.
This mouse is no stranger to The Duel. You better be at your best when you step toe-to-toe with a City Noble Mouse! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Profile Description
Model citizen, strong and hardworking. Raising his fist in acknowledgement of the local 513 energy workers, he does his part to keep the city in clean, working order.
Mousehunt Wiki page