Walkthrough Guide:
In this place, you need to build your defenses, which are the Wall, Tower, Ballista, Moat, and Cannon.
In addition, the phase of this place is divided into two: Day and Night.
During the Day, hunters hunt normally to gather materials to build the defenses. The mice during the Day are mostly weak against Law trap.
At Night, hunters will have to face stronger mice which has Shadow-type weakness. These mice drop better materials to upgrade your defenses more. Each time the horn is sounded, the night mice attack the wall reducing its HP. Once the wall is breached, hunters will return to the Day automatically and can build more defenses if enough materials are gathered. Remember to also repair your wall during the Day using Meteorite Piece
Hunters can also use the 'Retreat' button to return to the Day for no penalty.
Night has several phases that are different in length. During the different phases the mice populations change. Please refer to the Night Phase above for more information.
1. Accessing Fort Rox
Adventure: Gain Access to Fort Rox

2. Collect 50 Meteorite Piece
to build your defenses
Adventure: Prepare Your Defenses

To start, collect the Meteorite Piece dropped from the mice here during the Day.
Use regular cheese, such as Gouda Cheese or Brie Cheese
and equip your Law
trap to hunt them
After you have at least 50 Meteorite Piece, you can start building the Basic Wall which costs:
50 Meteorite Piece and 30,000 gold
I also recommend you to build the Mage Tower as it only costs:
5,000 gold

3. Enter the Night, get 1 Howlite
Adventure: Prepare Your Defenses

Adventure: Discover the Source of Howlite

Now that we have the Basic Wall ready, we can start hunting at Night.
Click the Defend Fort button to enter the Night mode.
The first phase is Twilight, which lasts for 35 hunts. If this is your first time hunting in Fort Rox, you might not last to Midnight phase, which is normal. Do not get discouraged.
The goal here is to get at least one Howlite as it is an important material to build your next defense, which is the Ballista.
Change your trap to Shadow as the mice here has weakness to this element.

Once you have the Howlite, I suggest you to use the 'Retreat' button to return to the Day.
4. Build your first Ballista
Adventure: Discover the Source of Howlite

With your first Howlite, you can now build the Basic Ballista, which costs:
1 Howlite and 30,000 gold
Also repair your wall during the Day, before you enter the Night.
5. Build defenses more using Howlite
from Night mice
Adventure: Discover the Source of Howlite

What is next is to repeat the process to get more Howlite from the Night mice enough to build defenses that exclusively cost Howlite.
These two are a must to progress your adventure book:
The Small Moat costs:
10 Howlite and 30,000 gold
The Howlite Wall costs:
15 Howlite and 45,000 gold
The following is optional, but still nice to have:
The Silver Ballista costs:
25 Howlite and 45,000 gold
6. Build Cannon using 5 Bloodstone
from Night mice
Adventure: Discover the Source of Bloodstone

Now that you have stronger defenses, you can last more during the Night, probably even reaching Midnight or Pitch phase.
If you reach Pitch phase, switch your trap to Arcane as the mice during this phase is weak to the element.
The target is to get 5 Bloodstone. Since going to the night requires you to start from the Twilight phase, probably it is best to hunt during the Night until your wall breaks.
If your wall crumbles before you get enough Bloodstone, you can keep the stone until you have 5 to build the necessary Small Cannon, or you can build any other optional defenses to last more during the Night.
The Small Cannon costs:
5 Bloodstone, 20 Howlite
and 3,000 gold
7. Defeat Monster Of The Meteor Mouse
Adventure: Survive the Night and Defeat the Monster

The more you build your defenses during the Day, the more you can last more during the Night.
The more you can last more during the Night, the better the materials you can gather to build defenses during the Day.
Repeat this process until your wall can survive the Night til the Dawn phase.

8. Get Fort Rox Portal Core
and Fort Rox Portal Console
from Fort Rox Treasure Map

9. Use Fort Rox Portal Projector
to enter the Meteor Heart to defeat Heart Of The Meteor Mouse

There are many options here, but any High Luck Charm or Regal Charm might be useful.
Although if you want to 100% catch it at the first try, you can always use Ultimate Charm, even though not recommended.

The following is the cost:
1,200,000 gold
10 Bloodstone
60 Howlite
And in this place, you can upgrade your new Meteor Prison Core Trap to be Ember Prison Core Trap
Preparation for next
If this is your first time clearing Fort Rox, then the next area to visit is Queso River. I will do a guide for this area next week or so. Stay tune! =)

Thanks to Neobilly@Discord for the info that Sunrise cheese can be bought at the Marketplace