Moussu Picchu Guide

December 02, 2021 | Guide

Minimum rank: Grand Duke / Grand DuchessGrand Duke / Grand Duchess
Recommended setup:
- Trap: Your best ArcaneArcane, ShadowShadow, DraconicDraconic traps
- Cheese: Gouda Cheese for normal hunt, Windy Cheese and Rainy Cheese to farm materials to craft Dragonvine Cheese to catch the boss
- Trap / Base with unique attribute here: Forecaster Base
Main Goal:
- Craft Storm Wrought Ballista Trap using Ful'Mina's Tooth as the material dropped by the boss mouse
- Farm various drop loots from the boss mouse

Walkthrough Guide:

1. Accessing Moussu Picchu

First things first, in order to access Moussu Picchu, hunters need to have Moussu Picchu Climbing Route from Labyrinth - Cartographer or Zokor - Cartographer.

2. Collect Windy Potion and Rainy Potion

Adventure: Gather Supplies to Change the Weather
Collect Windy Potion
Collect Rainy Potion

As this is the first step, you can hunt any mouse using Gouda Cheese to farm as many Windy Potion and Rainy Potion as you can.

3. Brew Windy Cheese and Rainy Cheese

Adventure: Gather Supplies to Change the Weather
Brew Windy Cheese with Windy Potions
Brew Rainy Cheese with Rainy Potions

Brew Windy Cheese using Windy Potion

and Rainy Cheese using Rainy Potion

Brew as many cheeses as you can

4. Collect Arcanevine and Shadowvine

Adventure: Prepare for the Storm
Increase Wind Intensity to High
Collect Arcanevine
Increase Rain Intensity to High
Collect Shadowvine

Equip your Windy Cheese and your strongest ArcaneArcane trap to catch wind-related mice to collect Arcanevine to increase the Wind Intensity.

Likewise, equip your Rainy Cheese and your strongest ShadowShadow trap to catch rain-related mice to collect Shadowvine to increase the Rain Intensity.

It is optional to reach High Wind or Rain Intensity for now.

You might also get Fire Bowl Fuel drop from the mice here. This item will be used to lit the Fire Bowl.

You will use this later.

5. Craft Dragonvine Cheese with Arcanevine and Shadowvine

Adventure: Brave the Storm and Capture the Mountain Queen
Craft Dragonvine Cheese with Arcanevine and Shadowvine

6. Increase Wind and Rain Intensity to High at the same time

Adventure: Brave the Storm and Capture the Mountain Queen
Bring Wind and Rain Intensity to High together to awaken Ful'Mina

To face the boss mouse, you need to charge the Wind and Rain Intensity to High at the same time.

This can be done by:
- Hunting using Dragonvine Cheese which charges both meters. Use DraconicDraconic trap for this cheese.
- Activating the Fire Bowl while hunting here as it keeps the intensity meter from going down. Also available in Marketplace.

You can also equip Forecaster Base to double the intensity gained per catch if you have the base

7. Catch Ful'mina, The Mountain Queen Mouse

Adventure: Brave the Storm and Capture the Mountain Queen
Catch a Ful'Mina, the Mountain Queen with Dragonvine Cheese

The boss mouse can only be caught using Dragonvine Cheese and DraconicDraconic trap while both Wind and Rain Intensity meters are high.

Fulmina, The Mountain Queen Mouse

This should finish your adventure book for this place.

Now that you have caught the boss mouse, you can also farm it for the various loot drops.

The details of boss mouse drops are in here: Ful'mina, The Mountain Queen Mouse

Boss Mouse Farm Setup

In order to get as many loots as you can, you can use the following setup:

Your best DraconicDraconic trap
Your best base
(Optional) Dragonbane Charm series - increasing power against Dragon-type mice
(Optional) any Rift Charm +10% Power Bonus if you use Prestige Base
Fire Bowl is ON
Best to be done during Spring Egghunt or Lunar New Year events to multiply the loots


You can sell any excess Fire Bowl Fuel in the Marketplace for additional gold.

Moussu Picchu Treasure Map is also available:

Moussu Picchu Treasure Chest

Rare Moussu Picchu Treasure Chest

This area is a permanent area