Item Database

Group Base
Sub Group Rift
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 250
Power Bonus 12%
Attraction Bonus None
Luck 11
Cheese Effect Fresh
How to get
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Produced using Recipe(s)
Formed from the very stuff of the Rift between this world and the next, nobody is quite certain of the true powers of this base. It seems to augment most traps well enough, but there is definitely something more to be discovered here.
Riftwalker Set
Required: Rift Base, Weapon, and Charm
Set Bonus (2 pieces):
  • +10% Power Bonus
Set Bonus (3 pieces):
  • +10% Power Bonus
  • +5 Luck
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Sub Group Rift
Refundable No
Limited Edition Yes
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 250
Power Bonus 15%
Attraction Bonus None
Luck 5
Cheese Effect No Effect
A lovely diffuser infused with Rift energy. This base diffuses Calcified Rift Mist directly into an armed Snowball Charm thereby transforming it into its Rift equivalent!

The Rift Mist Diffuser Base will consume Calcified Rift Mist and convert an equipped Snowball Charm into its Rift version using the following conversion rates:

1 Snowball Charm and 10 Calcified Rift Mist make 1 Rift Snowball Charm.
1 Super Snowball Charm and 20 Calcified Rift Mist make 1 Rift Super Snowball Charm.
1 Extreme Snowball Charm and 35 Calcified Rift Mist make 1 Rift Extreme Snowball Charm.
1 Ultimate Snowball Charm and 50 Calcified Rift Mist make 1 Rift Ultimate Snowball Charm.Riftwalker SetRequired: Rift Base, Weapon, and CharmSet Bonus (2 pieces):+20% Power BonusSet Bonus (3 pieces):+20% Power Bonus+5 Luck
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Refundable No
Limited Edition Yes
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 350
Power Bonus 12%
Attraction Bonus 10%
Luck 10
Cheese Effect Stale
Trustworthy, responsible and punctual when sounding the horn, the Fiery Rooster is represented in this Jade Base carving.

Those who completed the 2017 Lunar New Year adventure were awarded with this beautifully carved Rooster Jade Base!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 2,000
Power Bonus 20%
Attraction Bonus 15%
Luck 26
Cheese Effect Extremely Fresh
How to get
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By harnessing the extraordinary properties of Royal Ruby Beans and Golden Goose Eggs, the Trapsmith at the Bountiful Beanstalk was able to apply the same scientific principles that powered the Adorned Empyrean Jewel Base towards the construction of this stunning successor. The higher refractive index of Royal Ruby Beans allows for even more power to be amplified and focussed through their facets into the trap above. The impressive mouse-catching ability of this base is rivalled only by its breathtaking beauty.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Sub Group Bristle Woods
Refundable No
Limited Edition Yes
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 200
Power Bonus 12%
Attraction Bonus 10%
Luck 5
Cheese Effect No Effect
Forged by "The Forgotten", this ancient tablet was once used as a crafting station to enchant Runes. While in Bristle Woods, the engravings etched on this base begin to glow and dance along the tablet, calling out for what was once born from its surface, attracting mice carrying an abundance of Runes.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Sub Group Seasonal Garden
Refundable No
Limited Edition Yes
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 300
Power Bonus None
Attraction Bonus 8%
Luck 6
Cheese Effect No Effect
This base is carved from the magical soil of Zugzwang's Seasonal Garden. The serene soil brings together all four seasons, providing camouflage inside the garden. The Seasonal Base gains an 18% power bonus when hunting in the Seasonal Garden.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Sub Group Great Winter Hunt
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 100
Power Bonus None
Attraction Bonus 15%
Luck 10
Cheese Effect No Effect
How to get
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This sensationally seasonal base channels the magic of the Great Winter Hunt all year round! Its special ability allows it to track the current Gift of the Day and slip it into the pocket of the closest unsuspecting mouse! Unfortunately for them, they won't realize it is there until it is too late!

This base provides a rare chance to add the current Gift of the Day to the loot of any caught mouse!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Refundable No
Limited Edition Yes
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 325
Power Bonus 12%
Attraction Bonus 10%
Luck 10
Cheese Effect Stale
Horns of strength, beard of majesty, eyes of tenderness: this carved Jade Base represents the gentle, yet strong, spirit of the sheep.

Only hunters who have helped Carl complete a full cruise in 2015 and saved up sufficient Cruise Bux will be able to have their Jade Base carved into this attractive and fantastic base!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 225
Power Bonus 10%
Attraction Bonus None
Luck None
Cheese Effect No Effect
How to get
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A Denture Base christened by the flames of a powerful dragon. This unique signature bestows even more power onto the Denture base by improving its stats and allowing it to channel enormous amounts of energy from installed toothlets.

With each successful hunt, the base is empowered by a sweet release of lightning! However, this intense surge of power will cause a toothlet to decay every hunt.

So long as at least one toothlet remains in your inventory to power the base, its stats will be boosted to:

  • 3,750 Power
  • 25% Power Bonus
  • 25% Attraction Bonus
  • 50 Luck
Mousehunt Wiki page
Group Base
Sub Group Champion Charm Set
Refundable No
Limited Edition No
Trap Data
Points Required 0 pointspoints
Power 400
Power Bonus 10%
Attraction Bonus 5%
Luck 7
Cheese Effect Very Fresh
How to get
Sold At
The Silver Tournament Base is a reward for hunters who have shown not only their ability to compete in hunting tournaments, but their dedication to winning tournaments!

When armed alongside a Champion Charm, in addition to the charm's +3 luck, this base glows with an extra +3 luck, for a total of 13 luck!
Mousehunt Wiki page