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Looks can be deceiving. Many mice fail to even recognize that a snowman could be a trap! Mice who make this mistake and underestimate the power of this bazooka's 3-snowball-per-second firing rate will very quickly find themselves buried in a pile of their own yellow snow.
The King has allowed this weapon to be sold for a limited time only.
Mousehunt Wiki page
It is a little-known fact that mice share humanity's obsession with the weather patterns of vinegar-filled miniature aquariums, which is, in part, why the Snowglobe trap is so successful. When a mouse comes near the snow globe to get a better look at the winter wonderland inside, the moving platform catapults it through the force field at the front of the globe, where it bonks its head on the the back wall. Once in the globe, it will freeze, becoming a natural part of the interior scenery.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Harnessing the power of a Soulstone, this trap pierces the darkness and seeks out weaknesses in Shadow mice.
This shard of Soulstone pulsates slowly, as if longing to be alive. It almost seems to morph and bulge within its platinum setting as it hangs suspended in its web. Perhaps it can be improved if imbued with another powerful stone... The haunting hum of the Soulstone gives this trap a luck bonus exclusively in the Spooky Sandcastle. Mousehunt Wiki page
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This Soul Catcher has been adorned with platinum-plated metamorphic limbs specially tuned for hunting during the Fall season in Zugzwang's Seasonal Garden. The Soulstone has been amplified through the use of Onyx Stones and Living Shards to further improve the trap's ability to capture mice.
Blowing winds aide the many limbs of this trap to better entangle mice, giving the trap a luck bonus in Fall, along with its bonus in the Spooky Sandcastle. Mousehunt Wiki page
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This trap was intended to pay homage to a mythical creature known only for its unparalleled mouse hunting prowess. Outfitted with a slew of clever traps it came as quite the surprise when the trapsmith who designed this tool of destruction found it utterly destroyed by its own means, the statue untouched. It is believed the simple traps were insult enough to the spirit of this creature that they simply destroyed themselves in its presence.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Happy birthday! A magically charged, sprinkle-laden cupcake burns with an intense flame to attract mice looking for something sugary sweet.
Once a mouse is detected nearby, the enchanted sprinkles begin to dance about, humming "Happy Birthday" as they swirl around and lift the mouse up to the mighty candle on top to blow it out to celebrate. Once it does, the enchantment is complete and the mouse is then turned into a magical sprinkle to join the rest until the next mouse comes along. Remember this event with this celebratory trap commemorating MouseHunt's 9th Birthday! Mousehunt Wiki page
An ancient lost cupcake from parties long ago. A confectionery guardian in the shape of a delicious cupcake! It sits innocently enough, completely stationary looking deliciously ordinary until something comes across its googly-eyes. At this moment it transforms into a hulking golem prepared to fend off any mousy invader without an invitation!
Keeping parties safe since... We don't even know! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Like a fog machine mixed with a laser lightshow, the Steam Laser Mark I is both effective and awesome. Even mice not directly struck by the Steam Laser Mark I's beam stop in their tracks, engrossed in the incredible lightshow before them.
This combination of hot and hydro works especially well on the Slushy Shoreline and in the Iceberg. Mousehunt Wiki page
Oh no! Just look what Icewing did to this perfectly good trap! Does she even know how long it took to build? The effort and time and gold involved? Does she even care?
Well. You can show her! There's certainly enough parts left here to rebuild this trap, and if you can find an extra-powerful power source somewhere, you can create a trap she'll certainly fear! Mousehunt Wiki page
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With more heat, more laser, and more awesome than ever before, the Steam Laser Mk. II truly brings the fight to the Iceberg mice. State-of-the-art targeting chips have also been added, to ensure pin-point laser accuracy and split-second timing, which definitely helps against stronger and faster mice. Even Icewing herself fears and will attack this trap on sight!
This combination of hot and hydro works especially well on the Slushy Shoreline and in the Iceberg. Mousehunt Wiki page