Item DatabaseDescription
A simple pressure plate below the cheese activates the powerful vacuum tube sucking the mouse to any location you or the vast network of tubes dictates. The highly lucky suction is capable of capturing a mouse that is on the brink of escape, producing a satisfying "FOOOMP" sound.
Mousehunt Wiki page
This trap puts the "point" in poinsettia. A beautiful holiday plant turned into a powerful ice throwing ballista. The best way to send "Seasons Greetings!" to all those dragons in the sky.
Mousehunt Wiki page
This base is made from magical glacial ice that seems to absorb and freeze the humidity in the air, mysteriously retaining its shape. This physics-defying ice is imported by Ronza the merchant, perhaps making it the most expensive cube of water you'll ever own!
Mousehunt Wiki page
How to get
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Produced using Recipe(s)
A simulated spill was safely poured onto this base to mask it from its surroundings. Hard to distinguish between the actual spill itself, it allows the pollution of the Toxic Spill to seep through it, adding a chance for mice to drop a Radioactive Curd. Additionally, the Polluted Base will react with Polluted Charms, increasing the core radiation and using that energy to add extra Luck!
Mousehunt Wiki page