Mouse Database
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Profile Description
Chipper mice aren't as chipper as you might expect, given their names. Instead, they all seem to have a chip on their shoulder, and are bitter, spiteful fellows. Chippers work out their frustrations on the ice and rocks in front of them, making quick work of walls and carving tunnels faster than would seem otherwise possible.
In fact, the only other activity that seems to give them solace is stealing hunters' supplies and hiding their ill-gotten goods in holes made slightly too small for human hands. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Iceberg > Deep Lair
Base: Deep Freeze Base ![]() Bait: SUPER|brie+ ![]() ![]() Note: Hunters must arm the Deep Freeze Base ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
Finally solving the question as to how the Iceberg is propelled, the Deep Mouse lives well below the Iceberg, dragging it relentlessly towards the shores of Gnawnia.
Only the most dedicated hunters will ever be able to encounter this monster, let alone defeat it! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Many mice aspire to the position, but only the brightest, the brawniest, the very best mice are promoted to the rank of Frostlance Guard. These mice protect Icewing's inner sanctum and Icewing herself, and command fear and respect from every other mouse in Icewing's Army.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Iceberg > Hidden Depths,Icewing's Lair
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse can only be encountered when in Icewing's Lair (only after 425 hunts beyond a hunter's first defeat of an Iceberg Invasion) or the Hidden Depths. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Affectionately (and secretly) referred to as "Bluehair", the Frostwing Commander leads the Iceberg airborne division. Well-aware of the fact that there currently are no mice in that division, Icewing has placed him as second-in-command of the Iceberg, taking control of things should she be required elsewhere.
Little is known of his origin, or how he came to wield the mystical Tiger's Claw staff, but some say that he lives only for vengeance, having been excluded from the Heart of the Tiger event long ago. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Iceberg > General Encounter
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: This mouse will appear more frequently when traps are baited with SUPER|brie+ ![]() ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
Long ago, Icewing came upon a distressed young White Mouse. He was tired, hungry, and depressed. "I can't steal any cheese! I can't do anything!" She looked down her long nose at him, and uttered these immortal words of wisdom: "Because you believe not in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you." Knowing Icewing stood with him, he scurried off, determined to steal some cheese.
Not long after, DrillBot-wielding hunters started reporting surprising losses against a White Mouse, of all things. Recently, Icewing promoted this mouse to the rank of General, and has promised him rule over Digby when all of Gnawnia is conquered! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Originally, these brave mice were tasked with disarming and removing any poorly placed explosives from other Bomb Squad mice. Once the Iceberg was boarded by hunters, however, these fearless mice quickly transitioned into stalwart defenders. Littering the surrounding tunnels with freshly-repurposed explosives, they have made it hard for anyone to pass by, even themselves. Luckily for them, they are well-equipped for such a volatile environment.
And yet the more tenacious and clever hunters may just be able to find a way to turn those minefields to their advantage, blowing open long-hidden secret passages... Mousehunt Wiki page
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Profile Description
The only thing more dangerous than the icy weapons this mouse is able to conjure through sheer force of will is the madness that blazes forth from deep within his twisted mind. Many hunters have come back to check their traps only to find the cheese stolen and their courage exhausted, a clear sign that this mouse has visited.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Profile Description
Able to surround itself in a block of ice with a finger snap, this mouse can resist both the smell of delicious cheese and the force of powerful traps.
You wouldn't expect such a defensive mouse to contribute much to an invasion force. That is, until you witness it whizzing through the air at break-neck speeds after being hurled from tiny trebuchets... Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Profile Description
When he's on the job, he carves through ice like a hot knife through butter. When he's off the job, he dons a mouse-sized tuxedo and meets and greets with the heights of mouse society. His dual nature makes him double-dangerous, because if he can't carve his way through to the safer side of your trap, he might just sweet-talk you into letting him go!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Iceberg > Icewing's Lair
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse can only be encountered after entering Icewing's Lair at least once previously, having caught a Frostwing Commander Mouse ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
Legends tell of an ancient, hateful mouse, a child of wrath and ice, spoken about only in hushed tones around campfires to scare children and the weak-hearted. But this mouse is no fairy tale, and has a long and dark history with the Kingdom of Gnawnia.
Long ago, a powerful band of evil mice descended yearly upon Gnawnia in fearsome raids, stealing cheese and terrifying everyone. Icewing herself lead many a raid, and was next in line for rulership when the jealous chieftans banded together and cast her out, fearful that with her incredible power and cruelty, she would have done the same to them. Over the years since, she has raised an army from the mice who remained loyal to her, and turned her sights to the south. Determined to prove that she can accomplish more without her traitorous clan holding her back, she intends to invade Gnawnia and see every mouse there swear fealty to her as their Queen. But first, she must wipe out the pesky humans who seem to get in the way of everything... Mousehunt Wiki page