Mouse Database
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When night falls and visibility becomes poor, the Bat mouse navigates through echolocation. When paired with its ability to fly, this unique trait makes it rather tricky to catch using conventional weapons.
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When a caretaker finds a corpse lying about, they think it was just an unfortunate soul that was forgotten and not given a proper burial. Not wanting to be blamed for being the one that forgot to bury a body, they are quickly packaged up into a spare coffin and buried, but not before also being wrapped in chains, JUST in case it might actually be a sleeping zombie. You can never be too safe...
Most of the time it's a corpse, but sometimes... AH, A ZOMBIE!! Mousehunt Wiki page
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These tormented souls of slain mice seek vengeance upon the hunters who cursed them to the grave.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Feasting upon what scraps of gooey Radioactive Blue cheese it finds, this horrific mouse has gorged itself to massive proportions.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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This gruesome and gigantic undead mouse is the direct result of zombie mice that get away one too many times. Letting their insatiable hunger get the best of them they balloon up to these hideous and humongous monsters.
With their insatiable appetite, It's only a matter of time before their next piece of cheese becomes their last. Mousehunt Wiki page
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Once a passive breed of mouse, when night falls the Lycan transforms into a massive beast that strikes fear into even the most steadfast of hunters. Known to stalk shadowy forests and graveyards, this mouse possesses incredible speed and power. A hunter should be well-prepared before seeking out this adversary.
Capturing this mouse may break its curse, potentially revealing secrets about its origins.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Hunt in this location: Mousoleum
Bait: Crimson Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught when the barricade is up. Weaknesses
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This wixen is wery dangerous! Not only can she wanish vithout varning, a hunter caught in her wision vill be frozen in their tracks. One bite vill conwert her wictim into a mindless ghoOoulish slave!
Thankfully, ven she's around a trap, she's more interested in pilfering the cheese than hunting a hunter. Mousehunt Wiki page
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Hunters' lore describes Mummy mice as completely invulnerable. These undead mice ache to overrun and enslave the land they inhabit. A hunter will certainly need to be well prepared in order to face this enemy.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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The strength of this mouse is only exceeded by its hunger. Ravenous Zombies instill fear in almost all hunters who cross their paths. This mouse seems to tenaciously take damage from even the most capable of trap weapons without slowing down. Luckily they do not often wander far from their graves.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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In the darkest corners of the Mousoleum lurks an evil so terrible that its very name strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest of hunters. Its name is never spoken, only whispered: "Mouseferatu".
When its coffin creaks, the land will shudder, the sky will darken, the earth will moan. It is then that you will know a Vampire is near...
Mousehunt Wiki page