Mouse Database
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Claw Shot City
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse is one of the 6 Ringleaders and is the boss when a hunter is tackling a Wanted Poster (The Scamping Scammers); the poster lists an alias of 'The Joker'. Weaknesses
Profile Description
A well-maintained moustache, intimidating round-frame glasses, and adorned with plenty of expensive jewellery, this Cardshark Mouse knows how to play a mean hand, and, when he needs to, how to cheat without getting caught!
Keep your eye on the prize and play your cards right. With enough luck, you'll be able to catch this mouse without something going missing! Find him hanging around the local saloon with his crew, the 'Scamping Scammers' gang. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Claw Shot City
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse is one of the 6 Ringleaders and is the boss when a hunter is tackling a Wanted Poster (The Corrupt Cartel); the poster lists an alias of 'Mr. Crumbs'. Weaknesses
Profile Description
These mice travel from settlement to settlement, calling upon those who are to be tried for their crimes and to pass judgement as stated by mousey law in that region. It is no secret, however, that around these parts the law is quite lax and a case is usually settled by whomever can cough up the most coin. There seem to be an awful lot of judges hanging around these parts of late, itching to make a quick buck by twisting the law to their corrupt whims.
Keep an eye out for him if you ever encounter the 'Corrupt Cartel' gang. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Claw Shot City
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse is one of the 6 Ringleaders and is the boss when a hunter is tackling a Wanted Poster (The Thieves Gang); the poster lists an alias of 'Shadows'. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Known for his short fuse and seedy dealings you would be wise to not cross this nasty varmint. With his pistols always at the ready, he's itching for a fight and he doesn't care if it's fair either. This mouse is so crooked, he could swallow nails and spit out corkscrews.
Be warned: This Desperado rolls with the 'Thieves' gang! Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Claw Shot City
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse is one of the 6 Ringleaders and is the boss when a hunter is tackling a Wanted Poster (The Thugs); the poster lists an alias of 'The Kid'. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Deadly, dangerous, and darn ugly, this rough 'n' tough Outlaw Mouse has seen his fair share of fortune and failure. His motto is "Steal from everyone, and give it to me!" and he runs with an equally down and dirty crew known as the 'Thugs' gang.
Hunters be wary around this mouse. He isn't the type to back down from a fight! Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Claw Shot City
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse is one of the 6 Ringleaders and is the boss when a hunter is tackling a Wanted Poster (The Travelling Terror); the poster lists an alias of 'Speed Demon'. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Cracking his whip and hollering for everyone and everything to get out of his way, this mouse can be heard a long way off. Fast is never fast enough with this guy. His only desire is to travel at neck-break speeds. Unfortunately, at high-velocity speeds, stagecoaches simply vibrate violently and fall apart, flinging their passengers across the dusty wasteland. This is his seventh stagecoach this year and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find willing passengers...
This mouse can be seen zipping along the horizon with a large dust cloud and the 'Travelling Terror' gang in tow. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Claw Shot City
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse is one of the 6 Ringleaders and is the boss when a hunter is tackling a Wanted Poster (The Dirt Dealers); the poster lists an alias of 'The Busy Body'. Weaknesses
Profile Description
This mouse has a grave attitude and is more likely to give you a deadpan look and take your measurements than say howdy. It is not that he means to be so unfriendly, it's just that with his profession he is awful... busy these days...
Look out for him if you ever come across the 'Dirt Dealers' gang! Mousehunt Wiki page