Mouse Database
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These tiny mice are exceptionally quick, and only determined and resourceful hunters will ever catch them in their traps. They nest in the practically impenetrable Tuono Basin area, and then roam the dunes for food, running across the sands with their unmistakable "pop-hop" gait.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Grubling Herders are a solemn and insular group, trained from birth to direct and control the voracious Grubling mice away from vital crops. They hail from a place of shadow known only as "Muddy'Deeb", and dedicate their lives to ensuring the rampage of the Grubling mice remains under their control.
The Grublings must flow! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Aw, what a cute little horror! Tiny little Grubling Mice may be adorable, but they're sort of rare, and a good thing, too. They race around in a literal stampede from food source to food source, absolutely devouring everything they find, and cannot be attracted to your trap by mere cheese alone. No, you'll have to find some form of charm to attract them during a stampede - perhaps in the shape of their favourite food?
Although they're cute now, Grubling Mice that can secure enough food build themselves a charming little cocoon and slowly morph into the far more dangerous Scarab Mouse, so catch as many as you can now to help keep the population in check! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Hunt in this location: Sand Dunes
Profile Description
This oversized grub has refused to morph into its true form. Instead, it continues to consume and increase its mass to an alarming size. This self-declared King rules through fear in the Sand Crypt, commanding other mice to bring him food and defend his lair at all costs. Luckily for him, the mice fear him more than they do a hunter's trap - plus it's not too hard to swipe the cheese without the King Grub mouse knowing.
Being a gigantic grub is about the equivalent to being a gigantic baby - not too smart but prone to loud and sometimes dangerous tantrums. Mice steer clear of him as best as they can, which is okay because he prefers it that way. The short of all this, is that you'll never attract the King Grub to your trap without liberally slathering it with an appealing scent to attract him, and you'll never defeat him without heavily salting your trap for an added boost. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Sand Dunes
Bait: Graveblossom Camembert ![]() Charm: Shattering Charm ![]() Note: To catch this mouse, a hunter needs to first weaken it by hunting with Grub Salt Charms, and then attract it by arming Shattering Charms, as part of the King Grub Minigame in Sand Crypts. Weaknesses
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Normally, Grubling Mice pupate into Scarab Mice. The King Grub however, has refused to hatch for so long that the rapid transformation induced by the Shattering Charm caused him to mutate into a horrifying scarab monstrosity. Much more powerful now, only the most foolish or brave of hunters would dare face this terrifying foe, but this transformation may have been for the best. If the Grub King were left to continue eating Garden Essences, he would have surely have been impossible to face later.
Your trap will be a lot less effective against the Scarab King, given all of his armour. To face him you'll need a lot more salt, not to mention an extreme disregard for your personal safety. Mousehunt Wiki page
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With its extra-hard shell, the Quesodillo Mouse can trigger nearly any trap and then just roll into a ball to avoid it.
Note that the Quesodillo Mouse doesn't just use this ability for survival. Notable explorers have seen them gleefully rolling down sand dunes, then scurrying back up just to do it again and again. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Sand Dunes
Bait: Graveblossom Camembert ![]() Note: This mouse can be attracted and caught only in Sand Crypts. Weaknesses
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Centuries ago, an infamous hunter used a unique and terrible trap to capture the very souls of mice and confine them in gemstones. When the rest of the world found out, the hunter was banished and his name and the details of his trap were erased from history.
In the intervening years, the mice have started breaking free from the gemstones and using the very sand around them to craft a monstrous form. Be careful hunting these mice down! They've already been caught once before and are twice as prepared! Mousehunt Wiki page
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These tiny mice roam the dunes in ones and twos, mute except for the songs they sing to each other. No-one really knows what their goal or destination is, or why they feel compelled to roam. Perhaps they're seeking something, or perhaps they're running from something. Or perhaps it's just for the love of the journey.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Sand Dunes
Bait: Graveblossom Camembert ![]() Note: This mouse can be attracted and caught only in Sand Crypts. Weaknesses
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There are two kinds of Sarcophamouses you'll run across during your travels: The kind that were entombed in ancient times and now roam the desert crypts mindlessly, and the kind that were wrapped up in toilet paper and tossed in a cheap plastic sarcophagus as a mean-spirited prank.
Both kinds are equally angry and equally dangerous, so watch out! Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Sand Dunes
Bait: Graveblossom Camembert ![]() Note: This mouse can be attracted and caught only in Sand Crypts. Weaknesses
Profile Description
The glittering blue, gold, and red carapace of the Scarab Mouse is a natural beauty nearly unmatched in the world. Growing such incredible protection requires incredible amounts of energy, which is why Grubling Mice - who are the Scarab Mouse's previous form - require so much food so quickly.
Scarab Mice are fast, strong, and brilliant. Only their small size prevents them from being a serious problem. A really large Scarab Mouse would be very dangerous indeed! Mousehunt Wiki page