Mouse Database
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The Bruticle Mouse tackles all of its opponents head-on, using its extreme strength to overpower them before delivering a blast of ice that traps them in place. If the ability to throw ice isn't enough to gain the Bruticle their prize, they have a ready back-up weapon in the blanket of spikes on their back. These spikes, like a porcupine's quills, can be ripped out and used as spears, or, in emergencies, used as a spike shield between mouse and Hunter.
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The slender physique and fierce personality of the Unicorn Mouse makes it an ideal cheese predator. It defends its territory with its deadly horn, ready to pounce on any cheese carrier and-- what? I'm describing Zugzwang's Derpicorn Mouse? Oh dear. Well gentle reader, there is only one thing to know about the Derpicorn. Produce cheese, and its will is yours to command, assuming that you are on an errand that requires a rotund white mouse. As for the Unicorn Mouse, that's just impossible.
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The dry rustle of leaves blowing in the wind accompanies the passing of the Fall Familiar, bringing with it the smell of lit jack-o-lanterns. The sky is always a little dusky as it roams the garden, which provides ample cover for his minions to rob hunters attempting to track him. Although it never usually gets its gnarled paws dirty with such things, the Fall Familiar is quite an accomplished thief, able to turn into a swirl of dead leaves if it is in danger of being caught.
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Some mice use fire for the sake of wanton destruction, but to the Firebreather mouse, destruction is an art. One graceful puff from their torch, and your cheese is fondue. Another spiraling fireball later, your pants are on fire. Then, after a flourish and a wave of the paw, there's a ring of flame around you that you're not sure how to get rid of. Not surprisingly, Hunters' lore advises all visitors to the Summer island to skip the Firebreather's floor show.
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Firefly mice are harder to catch than you might think, given that they only come out at night, and that they have a lit bulb attached to their rear end. Like their insect inspiration, these mice keep their lights on just long enough to distract any potential pursuit, then blink out as they dive for the cheese. Fireflies also use their bulbous bottoms as blinding devices, flooding more advanced traps' sensors with sudden bursts of light.
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Sharp as the biting wind on a January morning, the Frostbite mouse embodies the cold of a deep, northern winter. Frost feeds its powers, allowing it to use the magic of Zugzwang's garden to become stronger and sharper than ever before. At the peak of its power, the Frostbite mouse's claws become as hard as diamonds, and freeze their victims on contact. Don't expect any fear from a Frostbite mouse, either-- their disposition is as unyielding as a glacier.
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Despite its colorful cloak of autumn leaves, and charming hat made of a mini-pumpkin top, this mouse is a master of evasion. The Harvest Harrier's job is to remain invisible, in order to spring as many traps and rob as many traps as possible, and it takes this duty seriously. Catch a glimpse of it in the pumpkin patch, and it turns into just another gourd, quick as a blink. Spot it in a leaf pile, and, well, good luck finding it again.
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Hunt in this location: Seasonal Garden > Fall season
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: Catching this mouse using Sandcastle Shard Trap ![]() Weaknesses
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The Harvester Mouse expresses the dominant traits of fall: plant death and hibernation. Although its primary concern is the changing of the seasons, it uses its powers of hibernation against hunters and traps without hesitation, putting them both into a deep sleep which lasts until spring.
Beware the Harvester Mouse's sleep spell! With a single, mismeasured blast, hunters have fallen asleep in their youth and awakened with wrinkled faces. Mousehunt Wiki page
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Wherever the summer sun beats down on fields and beaches, there are mice who love the heat, frolicking in the fields... and then, there are the inevitable casualties. Hot Head mice had a little too much fun in the sun, and now they're left bright pink, woozy, and more than a little confused. Since melty cheese is sometimes used as a sunscreen, they're storming traps to get some, but they're not in any condition to be walking, let alone stealing.
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Most mice living in Zugzwang's garden have some desire to fit into their seasonal area, but the Hydrophobe mouse proves a rare exception to the rule. To a Hydrophobe, wet fur is a misery, and so they seek shelter under anything they can find (leaves, roots, a looming Deathbot) in order to dodge mother nature's attacks on their well-being. Their dislike for spring rain is so strong, in fact, that it counteracts the seasonal magic.
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