Mouse Database
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The Bruticle Mouse tackles all of its opponents head-on, using its extreme strength to overpower them before delivering a blast of ice that traps them in place. If the ability to throw ice isn't enough to gain the Bruticle their prize, they have a ready back-up weapon in the blanket of spikes on their back. These spikes, like a porcupine's quills, can be ripped out and used as spears, or, in emergencies, used as a spike shield between mouse and Hunter.
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Sharp as the biting wind on a January morning, the Frostbite mouse embodies the cold of a deep, northern winter. Frost feeds its powers, allowing it to use the magic of Zugzwang's garden to become stronger and sharper than ever before. At the peak of its power, the Frostbite mouse's claws become as hard as diamonds, and freeze their victims on contact. Don't expect any fear from a Frostbite mouse, either-- their disposition is as unyielding as a glacier.
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Unlike common icicles, which hang from eaves troughs and mind their own business, the razor-sharp ice spears controlled by the Icicle mouse fly through the air in a swarm, waiting like a raised dagger for hunters to come along and set out their cheese. Once the trap is set, the Icicle mouse drops a barrage of icy spears on trap and hunter, slicing their clothing, sending the cheese flying, and, worst of all, running down the hunter's shirt. Brrr!
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As in most areas where extreme weather is an issue, some mice embrace the snow, and some... prepare for snowpocalypse. The Over-prepared mouse is convinced that soon, the world will be covered in mountains of wintery death, and so it covered itself in layers of warm clothing. Because it is nothing if not thorough, it has also got an enviable arsenal of trap-busting tools stashed away in that suit, when it can find them among all the layers.
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When Penguin mice decided to get up a spiffy costume and imitate their favorite winter bird, they didn't count on a few of the limitations inherent in their disguise. They were looking forward to sliding down icy slopes, using only their tummies as a sled, and swimming through icy water. Unfortunately, rubberized canvas and cotton batting don't take to these activities as readily as one would hope, resulting in many a sliced-up suit.
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Have you ever felt a frosty wind whipping at your coat? If so, you've probably felt the Winter Mage's familiar, that capricious breeze that knocks down trees and roughs up roofs. The winter mage uses its power over the wind to blow the cheese right out of traps, and also to avoid notice. One sharp gust of snow in a hunter's eyes, and they'll be too distracted to see the mouse slipping right under their nose.
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