Star Atlas Sky Charting Guide

October 18, 2023 | Guide

Star Atlas is the new UWO feature released along with the Polaris patch update.

The official phrase is ‘Star Atlas’ as shown in game.

Some people call it ‘Sky Charting’ or ‘Star Charting’.

All words will be used in this guide, and both have the same meaning.

This is the guide on how to do star atlas based on my experience in clearing all of the first 20/20 of the star atlas investigation in a matter of 2-3 days.

Requirement to start

You can start by talking to Galileo Galilei in PisaPisa after completing the following requirements:

1. Have discovered Ursa MinorUrsa Minor

2. Have done North SeaNorth Sea sea charting and reported to Mercator

Starting the sky charting investigation

Upon clearing the requirements above, talk to Galileo.

He will ask you to complete the Ursa Minor investigation. This is mandatory to complete before you can complete the other stars.

If you talk to him, you will get this message: “You can proceed after the completion of the Ursa Minor investigation”.

To choose the star to chart, go to the top menu: Journal > Star Atlas

Then choose the sky option, and the star option, then click the Research button at the bottom right of the window.

You can choose any star you want. There is no required order.


Similar to sea or land charting, you can report to Galileo after completing certain numbers of investigations for reward.

Talk to Galileo after finishing Star Atlas: Ursa MinorUrsa Minor investigation for details.

In addition, there is a time-limited Polaris event currently happening.


  1. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! Do this in AstronomerAstronomer job along with Boston skill: Astronomer Wisdom.

    This skill ignores the chrono time requirement to discover stars.
  2. Use high rank of RecognitionRecognition and AstronomyAstronomy.

    The higher the better as some stars require high ranks of these skills to discover. Use item booster if you must.
  3. Use items with Enhanced Cartography effect to increase the % completion of each entry: Faded MapFaded Map Swan Feather PenSwan Feather Pen
  4. Report all astronomy discoveries related to this to any noble before you start your star charting journey.

    Preferred choice is Galileo for bonus Adventure fame and Quest Mediation PermitQuest Mediation Permit

    These discoveries are from Map and from doing RecognitionRecognition in sea region with any astronomy discovery.

    Here is the list:
  5. You can chart more than one star in one journey

    The key here is to plan accordingly based on the Star Atlas List

    For example:
    Star Atlas: PuppisPuppis and Star Atlas: PyxisPyxis

    Both require to do a quest from San FranciscoSan Francisco and both stars are located in Peru Sea BasinPeru Sea Basin

    In my case, I took both quests, targetting to finish Star Atlas: PuppisPuppis first.

    Then I sailed to LimaLima to discover PuppisPuppis, finished that star investigation, then started the PyxisPyxis and finished that one by sitting outside the port

    Be careful not to discover the other one before finishing the first star and starting the other until the required discovery entry appears.

    Another long chain run plan that I did was this:

    Started with Star Atlas: PavoPavo which ends at The Tasman SeaThe Tasman Sea, while holding the maps required for Star Atlas: CarinaCarina

    then started Star Atlas: CarinaCarina, stopping at AnpingAnping and HanyangHanyang to get the required maps for Star Atlas: VelaVela

    then finished Star Atlas: CarinaCarina and Star Atlas: VelaVela while sailing toward Antilles, Open SeaAntilles, Open Sea to continue with Star Atlas: CetusCetus

    and so on. I hope you get what I mean here

    You might also want to check this page: Sky Charting FAQ

    Good luck and have fun with sky charting!