Minimum rank: any rank
Recommended setup:
- Trap: Your best trap
- Cheese: Any standard cheese, Dumpling Cheese
, Nian Gao'da Cheese

Main Goal:
- Catch Costumed Rat Mouse
to get Rat Lunar Lantern

- Get Rat Jade Base
by completing the Adventure of this event

- Get Blazing Jade Lantern Trap Skin
, Slippery Rat Slide Trap Skin
and Year of the Rat Journal Theme
by lighting the lantern and take it to new heights.

- Farm a lot and get 2-3x loot by using the Rat Lunar Lantern

Walkthrough Guide:
Happy Lunar New Year 2020! It is the Year of the Rat! *YAY*
Time to celebrate it with this Mousehunt event. Thanks Hitgrab guys!!
The event is similar to previous years' Lunar New Year events.
In this event, there are 2 main things that you might want to do:
1. Catch Costumed Rat Mouse
Adventure: Collect Dumpling Cheese at Lunar Stockpiles

Gather Dumpling Cheese by capturing regular mice in a Lunar Stockpile!
Adventure: Defeat the Costumed Lunar New Year Mice

Catch Costumed Tiger Mouse

Catch Costumed Rabbit Mouse

Catch Costumed Dragon Mouse

Catch Costumed Snake Mouse

Catch Costumed Horse Mouse

Catch Costumed Sheep Mouse

Catch Costumed Monkey Mouse

Catch Costumed Rooster Mouse

Catch Costumed Dog Mouse

Catch Costumed Pig Mouse

Catch Costumed Rat Mouse
Adventure: Obtain the Rat Lunar Lantern and Light Lunar Lantern Candles

Obtain the Rat Lunar Lantern by capturing the Costumed Rat Mouse!
The main idea of this is already listed in the Adventure section in your Mousehunt game screen.
Basically, we need to capture all past Costumed Mice in the Lunar Stockpiles area.
These mice can only be captured using Dumpling Cheese

To get the Dumpling Cheese
, hunters need to hunt in the Lunar Stockpiles area using the standard cheese. Here is the list of the Lunar Stockpiles area:

Catching the boss mouse, Costumed Rat Mouse
will give you the Rat Lunar Lantern
which enables you to start the 2-3x loot drop party time. =)

2. Light the Lunar Lantern Candle
Adventure: Obtain the Rat Lunar Lantern and Light Lunar Lantern Candles

Collect and light 10 Lunar Lantern Candles
By capturing the Costumed Rat Mouse
, we will obtain the Rat Lunar Lantern
which is the first requirement to get the Rat Jade Base

The second requirement is to simply collect and light 10 Lunar Lantern Candle

After both requirements have been done, hunters can claim the Adventure Book reward to get the Rat Jade Base

Light up your Lunar Lantern!
As you light up your lantern, it will fly up high. There are 3 rewards that you can get by lighting the lantern according to the heights your lantern achieves:
- Slippery Rat Slide Trap Skin
- 120 height

- Doggy Droid Trap Skin
- 240 height

- Year of the Rat Journal Theme
- 360 height

- Pig Trap Skin - 480 height
- Red Lunar Lantern Candle
x 10 - 500 height

The various Lunar New Year mice drop Lunar Lantern Candle
that you can use to illuminate your Rat Lunar Lantern
. While your lantern is lit, you'll use one candle with each hunt you take, but you'll also DOUBLE most loot dropped by mice you capture. Every 10 hunts you take with your lantern lit will also add a +1 Luck bonus to the lantern that will be active while the lantern is lit. You can earn up to +50 Luck!

But wait.. there is more!
If you have Nian Gao'da Cheese
, you can use it to hunt and the mice will drop the upgraded version of the candle which is Red Lunar Lantern Candle
. Using this candle on the lantern will give you, not double, but TRIPLE the mice drop. Neat!

The Lantern's loot and luck bonus effects work ANYWHERE in the Kingdom!
The magic of the lantern works for most loot drops, however, there are a few drops not affected by your lantern:
- Dumpling Cheese
- Lunar Lantern Candles
- Treasure Map Clues
- Map Pieces
- A mouse's standard gold or points
- Items added directly to hunters' inventories from bases, charms, auras, etc.
- Certain items with maximum inventory quantity restrictions
If you are not sure where to hunt with your lantern, feel free to check the following pages for some recommendations:
The end date of the event is 28 Jan 2020.