
Goods Type Wareswares
Goods Type Category 2
Local Specialty -
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
BruneiBrunei Market Keeper Asia Southeast Asia
Used as material in
Recipe Materials Result Note
Gakgung Training
EbonyEbony x10
GakgungGakgung x1
Improved Steel Sheet x1
GakgungGakgung x1
Plain Wood Bow Training
EbonyEbony x10
Plain Wood BowPlain Wood Bow x1
Improved Steel Sheet x1
Plain Wood BowPlain Wood Bow x1
Crafting hand turned Violins
SheepSheep x1
EbonyEbony x40
Resin x30
Hurdy GurdyHurdy Gurdy x1 MA item
Peaceful Tunes
A very heavy and hard, black wood which has outstanding
Durability but is difficult to work.