
Goods Type Precious Stonesprecious_stones
Goods Type Category 4
Local Specialty -
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
MontpellierMontpellier Market Keeper Europe Western Europe
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Make red crystal lv1
Red OreRed Ore x4 GarnetGarnet x1
RubyRuby x1 Great Success
MA item
Indian Specialties (No. 2)
Make red crystal lv2
Red OreRed Ore x4 GarnetGarnet x1
RubyRuby x1-2 Great Success
MA item
Indian Specialties (No. 2)
Make red crystal lv3
Red OreRed Ore x4 GarnetGarnet x1
RubyRuby x1-2 Great Success
MA item
Indian Specialties (No. 2)
Used as material in
A deep red gemstone also known as pomegranate stone because it resembles the fruit.