First Aid

First Aid
Skill Type Battle
Learning Cost 2,000 Đgold
Max. Level
Vigour Cost Auto Effect
Skill Requirement -
Level Requirement
Where to learn this skill from
Location NPC Note
BordeauxBordeaux Pare
PisaPisa Galileo Galilei
San FranciscoSan Francisco Maritime GM
Alternatively, this skill can be learned from any Battle Guild Master when using any jobs below.
However, the level requirement still applies
* Job name Job type Note
Favoured favoured BodyguardBodyguard Battle
Favoured favoured SurgeonSurgeon Battle
Favoured favoured Medicine TraderMedicine Trader Trade
Favoured favoured SwordfighterSwordfighter Battle
Favoured favoured RangerRanger Adventure
Favoured favoured Supply CorpsSupply Corps Battle
Favoured favoured Sword MasterSword Master Battle
Favoured favoured GuerillaGuerilla Adventure
Favoured favoured MusketeerMusketeer Battle
Favoured favoured FilibusterFilibuster Battle
Favoured favoured GuardianGuardian Battle
Favoured favoured Master AlchemistMaster Alchemist Trade
Favoured favoured Light SoldierLight Soldier Battle
Favoured favoured Marine CorpsMarine Corps Battle
Favoured favoured GladiatorGladiator Battle
Favoured favoured Military ScientistMilitary Scientist Battle
Item name Item type + Note
Paper FanPaper Fan Weapon Item + 1
BajougutsuBajougutsu Foot Equipment + 1
Escort's BowEscort's Bow Weapon Item + 1
Corsair WaistcoatCorsair Waistcoat Body Equipment + 2
Wise Man's StaffWise Man's Staff Weapon Item + 2
Odalisque CircletOdalisque Circlet Head Equipment + 1
Amulet of LoveAmulet of Love Accessory + 2
Red Flower BroachRed Flower Broach Accessory + 2 Has effect
Quintet Coat of the SeaQuintet Coat of the Sea Body Equipment + 1
Sun EarringsSun Earrings Head Equipment + 1
Sultan's Guard's SpearSultan's Guard's Spear Weapon Item + 1
Scarlet HatScarlet Hat Head Equipment + 2
Flugbahn EXFlugbahn EX Weapon Item + 1 Has EX effect
FlugbahnFlugbahn Weapon Item + 1
Amenhotep III's HeaddressAmenhotep III's Headdress Head Equipment + 1
Aztec OpalAztec Opal Accessory + 2
Surgeon Rong Fu's ArmourSurgeon Rong Fu's Armour Body Equipment + 2
Armour of Reconquista EXArmour of Reconquista EX Body Equipment + 1 Has EX effect
Armour of ReconquistaArmour of Reconquista Body Equipment + 1
Bajo Tsutsu EXBajo Tsutsu EX Weapon Item + Has EX effect
Bajo TsutsuBajo Tsutsu Weapon Item + 1
Tieren Wodao EXTieren Wodao EX Weapon Item + 1 Has EX effect
Tieren WodaoTieren Wodao Weapon Item + 1
White Rod EXWhite Rod EX Weapon Item + 1 Has EX effect
Korean Navy Bow EXKorean Navy Bow EX Weapon Item + 1 Has EX effect
White RodWhite Rod Weapon Item + 1
Korean Navy BowKorean Navy Bow Weapon Item + 1
Ancient Priest's Blessed ShoesAncient Priest's Blessed Shoes Foot Equipment + 2 Has effect
Heroine's CutlassHeroine's Cutlass Weapon Item + 1 Has effect
Improved Steam Engineer's BootsImproved Steam Engineer's Boots Foot Equipment + 2
Koxinga PapersKoxinga Papers Accessory + 2 Has effect
Bronze UdewaBronze Udewa Accessory + 2
Brave GreavesBrave Greaves Foot Equipment + 2 Has EX effect
Book of the City of the LivingBook of the City of the Living Accessory + 1
TizonaTizona Weapon Item + 1
Rusty Steel SpearRusty Steel Spear Weapon Item + 1
Marechal CuirassMarechal Cuirass Body Equipment + 2
Inca Dignitary Dance CostumeInca Dignitary Dance Costume Body Equipment + 2
Chibcha Golden DressChibcha Golden Dress Body Equipment + 1
Improved Legate GreavesImproved Legate Greaves Foot Equipment + 2
Dooseokrin-gapDooseokrin-gap Body Equipment + 1
Fur TunicFur Tunic Body Equipment + 1
Spanish Admiral OutfitSpanish Admiral Outfit Body Equipment + 1
Conqueror of the Ages JerkinConqueror of the Ages Jerkin Body Equipment + 2
Kush Period TalismanKush Period Talisman Accessory + 2
Sheriff's GlovesSheriff's Gloves Hand Equipment + 2
Plum Blossom Hair ClaspPlum Blossom Hair Clasp Head Equipment + 1
Master Surgeon's ScalpelMaster Surgeon's Scalpel Accessory + 1
Bahinemo Warrior's ShieldBahinemo Warrior's Shield Weapon Item + 1
Formal Imperial Commander OutfitFormal Imperial Commander Outfit Body Equipment + 1
Reissued Refined Steel ArmourReissued Refined Steel Armour Body Equipment + 2
Tong Tian GuanTong Tian Guan Head Equipment + 1
Strange DollStrange Doll Accessory + 1 Has effect
Shaman's ShoesShaman's Shoes Foot Equipment + 2 Has EX effect
Awilda's HelmetAwilda's Helmet Head Equipment + 1
Golden HeartGolden Heart Accessory + 2
Karna's EarringsKarna's Earrings Head Equipment + 2 Has EX effect
Goddess BowGoddess Bow Weapon Item + 1 Has EX effect
Round ShieldRound Shield Weapon Item + 2
Purple Easter EggPurple Easter Egg Accessory + 2
Royal Easter EggRoyal Easter Egg Accessory + 3 Has EX effect
Magical Tome of LifeMagical Tome of Life Accessory + 1
Himejotoku's JinbaoriHimejotoku's Jinbaori Body Equipment + 1
Cacao HatCacao Hat Head Equipment + 2
Ancient Priest's ShoesAncient Priest's Shoes Foot Equipment + 1
Legate GreavesLegate Greaves Foot Equipment + 1
Improved Steam Engineer's BootsImproved Steam Engineer's Boots Foot Equipment + 2
Plum Blossom Hair ClaspPlum Blossom Hair Clasp Head Equipment + 1
Plum Blossom Hair ClaspPlum Blossom Hair Clasp Head Equipment + 1
Tong Tian GuanTong Tian Guan Head Equipment + 1
Himejotoku's HeaddressHimejotoku's Headdress Head Equipment + 1
Kettle HatKettle Hat Head Equipment + 1
Kettle HatKettle Hat Head Equipment + 1
RibbonRibbon Head Equipment + 2
Special King Lanling CostumeSpecial King Lanling Costume Body Equipment + 2
General's CuirassGeneral's Cuirass Body Equipment + 1
Marechal CuirassMarechal Cuirass Body Equipment + 1
Marechal CuirassMarechal Cuirass Body Equipment + 1
Fur TunicFur Tunic Body Equipment + 2
BoleroBolero Body Equipment + 1
Chibcha Golden DressChibcha Golden Dress Body Equipment + 1
Chibcha Golden DressChibcha Golden Dress Body Equipment + 2
Dooseokrin-gapDooseokrin-gap Body Equipment + 1
Poncho DressPoncho Dress Body Equipment + 1
Lowers the loss of crew due to injury during battle or exploration