Mouse Database
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While you practiced the knife, she practiced the pistol. While you practiced the sword, she practiced the rifle. While you practiced the claymore, she practiced the cannon!
"Don't bring a stabber to a shoot fight!" - Cutthroat Cannoneer Mousehunt Wiki page
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An impressive specimen and a fierce adversary! Pirating at such high altitudes has increased their lung capacity, lactic acid threshold, and muscle efficiency to unprecedented levels. Their aerial combat skills are so formidable that they have earned the admiration of the local parrot population who have willingly chosen to join their dastardly cause.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Sunken City > Coral Reef,Oxygen Stream,Sea Floor,Shallow Shoals
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
One of the more adorable denizens of the deep. The Cuttle Mouse is incredibly curious and interested in all of the wonders to behold beneath the surface of the ocean.
But as the saying goes: Curiosity sets off the trap... Mousehunt Wiki page
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Profile Description
Remote controlled and outfitted with diamond tipped arm drills, the Cyber Miners start off the drilling projects by marking guide holes and taking lead ahead of the others excavation mice.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Profile Description
This mouse is one of the main authorities on cybernetics and cybernetic research. With a vast intelligence and mastery over the sciences, the Cybernetic Specialist designs and helps perform most body modifications and augmentations on the strange mice seen around the rift -- including herself!
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Profile Description
Built with bionics from the beyond, this cybernetic organism has living tissue stretched over a metallic endoskeleton. It seems to focus on environment analysis but has some nasty self-defence mechanisms built-in as well. Be wary.
The Cyborg can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever. Mousehunt Wiki page
Profile Description
A powerful worshiper of the wind with the ability to create gusts and influence the air as she sees fit. She uses this power to create cyclones which exercise dominance over the weather on the plateau.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Whisker Woods Rift
Bait: Brie String Cheese ![]() Note: Cyclops Barbarian mouse can be attracted and caught only if Crazed Clearing faction has rage = 50 Weaknesses
Profile Description
Short, stocky, strong, savage and uncivilized. Cyclops Barbarian mice are conquerors! They seek to take the Whisker Woods Rift for their own and, with the opening of the rift, they may attempt to expand their reign into Gnawnia!
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Profile Description
Cyclops mice are known for their immense size and strength, which makes up for their lack of intelligence. Hunters are often confused by the behaviour of a Cyclops mouse, unsure if their tendency to run right at a trap is due to stupidity or confidence in their own strength.
Mousehunt Wiki page