Mouse Database
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Lore states that this Draconic mouse exudes immeasurable heat and the sheer movement of this creature is so fast that the sky itself is set ablaze. It is believed that based on the estimated amount of Wildfire Queso this mouse consumes, its concentrated oils seep out of its pores and acts as a catalyst when combined with the immense friction caused by its flight, leaving a terribly fiery wake in its path.
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This sly guy is planning something mischievous! That smile is suspiciously sneaky. Known for their cunning and craftiness, these sticky Karmachameleon mice are tough to get rid of without losing copious amounts of cheese!
Their karmaflage does well to disguise their true feelings and intent until it is too late! Only they truly know what hides behind their smile. Mousehunt Wiki page
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These mice maintain order in the Catacombs to keep the dead... dead. Keeper mice appear to have a strange control over the other forgotten mice, capable of bending them to their will and preventing their escape to the Mousoleum. These mice may just hold the key to discovering the secrets of the Catacombs.
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Strong, diligent and hard working, these assistants to the Keeper mice are a valuable tool for helping to keep the Catacombs in tip top condition. Whether it be ushering the restless undead mice back to their caskets (usually with a heavy hand), or simply being a body guard to the Keeper. To them, extreme and excessive force comes naturally.
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This diligent dungeon dweller prides herself on her meticulous and downright exhaustive organizational habits. As the Key Master, it is her sole responsibility to keep track of every single key to every single cell in what seems to be an infinite dungeon! No one knows how she does it because everyone is afraid to break her concentration by asking.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Hunt in this location: Sand Dunes
Profile Description
This oversized grub has refused to morph into its true form. Instead, it continues to consume and increase its mass to an alarming size. This self-declared King rules through fear in the Sand Crypt, commanding other mice to bring him food and defend his lair at all costs. Luckily for him, the mice fear him more than they do a hunter's trap - plus it's not too hard to swipe the cheese without the King Grub mouse knowing.
Being a gigantic grub is about the equivalent to being a gigantic baby - not too smart but prone to loud and sometimes dangerous tantrums. Mice steer clear of him as best as they can, which is okay because he prefers it that way. The short of all this, is that you'll never attract the King Grub to your trap without liberally slathering it with an appealing scent to attract him, and you'll never defeat him without heavily salting your trap for an added boost. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Sand Dunes
Bait: Graveblossom Camembert ![]() Charm: Shattering Charm ![]() Note: To catch this mouse, a hunter needs to first weaken it by hunting with Grub Salt Charms, and then attract it by arming Shattering Charms, as part of the King Grub Minigame in Sand Crypts. Weaknesses
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Normally, Grubling Mice pupate into Scarab Mice. The King Grub however, has refused to hatch for so long that the rapid transformation induced by the Shattering Charm caused him to mutate into a horrifying scarab monstrosity. Much more powerful now, only the most foolish or brave of hunters would dare face this terrifying foe, but this transformation may have been for the best. If the Grub King were left to continue eating Garden Essences, he would have surely have been impossible to face later.
Your trap will be a lot less effective against the Scarab King, given all of his armour. To face him you'll need a lot more salt, not to mention an extreme disregard for your personal safety. Mousehunt Wiki page
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A happy-go-lucky kite flyer that races along the launch pad chasing dirigibles and flying her kite alongside them. Hunters consider it lucky if one happens to hit their airship with a kite during take off!
Mousehunt Wiki page
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While Knight mice prefer to use a sword in battle, they are also well trained in jousting, mace fighting and hand-to-hand combat. Career soldiers, they traveled the countryside before the King’s Gauntlet, righting wrongs and retrieving trap cheese for elderly mice and mouselings. They tend to stockpile most of their winnings, in the hopes that one day they can give all that extra cheese to the poor.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Hunt in this location: Sunken City > Deep Oxygen Stream,Mermouse Den,Murky Depths,Oxygen Stream,Sea Floor
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
Brightly-coloured and always smiling, the gentle Koimaid Mouse has a soft spot for all of the smaller aquatic creatures in the ocean. She dedicates her time to caring for and helping raise all of the little ones like a second mother and does her best to keep them out of trouble.
Mousehunt Wiki page