Mouse Database
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It is not uncommon for an extremely passionate and tirelessly devoted artist to be viewed as stubborn. However, there are those who take that distinction to a whole new level. This very talented but completely unreasonable Oboist is one such musician who, much to the chagrin of the rest of the orchestra, has dedicated their life in pursuit of a single, very strange, and rather irritating goal: to master the "infinite note"! No one really knows how long the Obstinate Oboist has been siting there playing this one note but it feels like an eternity and no amount of desperate pleading seems capable of deterring them from this utterly asinine endeavour.
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The sinister sister of the mermice of the sea. Loves the deeper and darker parts of the ocean as she believes it helps keep her pale green complexion. Her lips contain a powerful paralyzing venom, giving her one unforgettable kiss!
Easily mistaken for a Mermousette Mouse above the surface, she uses this guise to bring more than one mousy sailor to their doom! Those poor unfortunate souls! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Self made from head to toe, this Rolex-wearing, diamond-mining, limousine-riding, jet-flying, self-proclaimed boss man is the big cheese, top mouse, and grand poobah of his industry... or any industry! He's got the biggest house, on the biggest hill, on the biggest side of town and he's also got the biggest carbon footprint to match his great big alligator skin shoes!
As the world leader in coal production and all other fossil fuels, not much can tear him away from his dirty work except for the new and completely renewable fuel source: Compressed Cinnamon! This ultra-clean and ultra-festive new fuel threatens his bottom line so he has vowed to take care of it... personally! Ol' King Coal was a greedy old soul, and a greedy old soul was he. "I pollute the world with all my coal, cause it makes lots o' money for me!" Mousehunt Wiki page
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Believed to be an ancient wizard from long ago that lost a duel resulting in a terrible transformation and banishment to the ocean deep. Now with nothing left but time, he focuses his abilities and trains his magics.
There is a saying among seafaring hunters: "When the storms are here, the Old One is near." Mousehunt Wiki page
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One of the oldest in the trade of spice collecting. After his long years collecting various spices, he has chosen to settle down and mellow out, now spending his time enjoying the milder side of spice. No longer a youthful man, he has no time for the spicier leaves of the plains.
He loves to weave tales, teaching and regaling those new "up-and-comers" in the spice trade, telling stories of his spicy adventures! Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Valour Rift > Bard
Bait: Brie String Cheese ![]() Note: Bard Floor 4+: 4, 12, 20, 28, 36, 44, 52, 60, 68, 76, 84, 92, 100 (8F+4) Weaknesses
Profile Description
Armed with clanging rings, a beautifully-handcrafted mandolin, an infernal banging drum and, his best instrument, a shrill voice. It is reported that while on quiet patrol, they produce beautiful music the likes of which is rarely heard by the ears of hunters. Once an intruder has been spotted, this One-Mouse Band gives chase, making horribly loud screeching, banging, and clanging noises, along with the random discordant sound of claws being raked randomly over mandolin strings.
If the One-Mouse Band doesn't scare you away with its racket, the stronger mice alerted by his klaxon just might! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Note: This mouse can only be attracted and found during Spring Egg Hunt event.
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Spring_egg_hunt event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Vowing vengeance on all onions, this femme fatale seeks a vicious cycle of revenge upon this hapless vegetable. Cutting, chopping and cleaving her way through bushels of them, she has been crying for as long as she can remember at the hands of these onions and she won't stop until there are no more!
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These mice adapted in order to navigate the various small passageways of the Catacombs by producing a slimy ooze. After years of further adaptation, these mice learned to use this as a defense mechanism to envelop would-be predators.
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These little guys are the clean up crew of the Cantera Quarry. They are one of the smaller mice that scavenge the quarry, looking for any spare "chips" of Nachore left behind by the bigger mice.
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Hunt in this location: Festive Comet > Great Winter Hunt event
Note: This mouse can be attracted after breaking the ice of Ornaments decoration Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Great_winter_hunt event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
The disguise that this mouse gains from enclosing itself in a Christmas ball results in some interesting challenges when it comes time to grab the cheese. First, the mouse must roll the ornament carefully up over the trap. Then, it must thread its paw through the slots at the top in order to grab the cheese. Even if it escapes the trap in time, eating the cheese is a complicated ordeal.
The life of an Ornament Mouse may be hard, but it still has a ball wherever it goes! Mousehunt Wiki page