Mouse Database
Suggested setup
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Mousehunt Birthday event.
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Birthday event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
A very sociable mouse who enjoys lively social activities. First and foremost, dance parties! He celebrates to the max by donning all party apparel so he is suited to any party celebration.
He can't sing, he can't dance but he sure can PAR-TAY! Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Profile Description
Coins jingle, fabric twirls and music flows around Dancer Mice, the masters of movement. Dancer Mice make their trade look easy, but the tricks they pull off are anything but-- cartwheels, back flips and amazing feats of balance fill their routines. With so much strength and agility at their command, it’s no wonder that Dancer Mice can pirouette their way to the cheese.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Furoma Rift
Bait: Brie String Cheese ![]() Note: The Dancing Assassin Mouse can only be attracted and caught inside the Pagoda. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Stealthily these assassins flourish in their brightly-coloured garb which goes well with concealing them among the bright colours of their Rift environment. Concealed inside of their traditional robes are lethal weapons, drawn only as their hypnotic dance amuses their potential targets.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Gnawnian Express Station
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Charm: Roof Rack Charm ![]() ![]() ![]() Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Raider River phase when the correct charm (, , or ) for the current wave is armed. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Inseparable since the day they could walk, this dangerous duo has been stealing cheese from traps since they were very young. With one always watching over the other, it's nigh impossible to get the drop on these two!
Their natural skill and experience in the thieving world landed them a job robbing trains with the raiders. Though they work extremely well together, they aren't much when not together. They must be caught as a pair in order to fend off the raiders. "Two tails are better than one!" --Famous Dangerous Duo catchphrase. Catching this mouse will decrease the number of Raiders Left by two but is only encountered when using the correct charms. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Lost City
Bait: Graveblossom Camembert ![]() Charm: Shattering Charm ![]() Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught in Cursed City while all curses are dispelled. Weaknesses
Profile Description
This mouse is said to have been one of the first to walk these lands. Shrouded in darkness, he whispers cursed promises to those weak of heart. Anyone foolish enough to strike a deal with this sinister foe will surely find themselves forever lost with their wishes twisted to his intent. This mouse has formidable powers not of this world, and anyone seeking to hunt him will have to steel their soul and prepare to live a cursed life. Everything to do with this mouse comes with a price...
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Labyrinth
Bait: Glowing Gruyere Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: The Dark Templar Mouse can be found in Epic Fealty Hallways in Labyrinth. The Dark Templar Mouse can be found in the Templar's Sanctum (80+ Fealty clues) in Zokor. Weaknesses
Profile Description
A wealthy order of knights left over from a crusade held long ago against Zokor. Dressed in expensive armour and weaponry, they are ready to hold their ground against the toughest of invaders.
With years of experience and training, these templars are still fighting a battle from decades ago! Mousehunt Wiki page
Profile Description
With a slash and a dash, these mice hit hard and fast! Not one to let a pegged leg slow them down, they are the forefront of every pirate attack and are the first aboard enemy ships!
It looks like this one has had a run in with a Travelling Barber Mouse or two... Mousehunt Wiki page
Profile Description
A great many sinister plots have unfolded in the Great Hall over the years and somehow this callous and calculating mouse always remains unscathed at the centre of it all. She spins a web of deceit so intricate throughout the Castle in the Clouds that even her spies have spies. She is so staunch and stoic that if she so much as raises an eyebrow in your general direction then it's already too late!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Profile Description
This immensely powerful shadow scholar has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and will stop at nothing to collect and consume every piece of data ever recorded at the School of Sorcery.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Profile Description
After the great banishment, a ship entered the Cove, filled with Pirate Mice. The crew had just ransacked a ship, and they were looking for a place to bury the booty. Balack waited for them to unload all of the treasure onto the shore, and then he attacked, winning the treasure for himself, as well as some new helpers. Of all his followers, Balack likes Davy Jones Mice the best. In life, they had the perfect balance of greed and stupidity to make good zombies.
Mousehunt Wiki page