Mouse Database
Suggested setup
Profile Description
The Nibbler Mouse is the information-gathering mouse that reports back to its fellow mice about the placement of traps, advancement of hunters, and other mouse-worthy news to help them all gain an advantage over the King's forces. This mouse is very hard to catch on a regular basis because its goal is to visit traps multiple times, hoping to gather as much intel as possible (while taking cheese samples for testing) before returning and giving a very informative and enjoyable report to those mice wanting to keep up to date.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Festive Comet > Great Winter Hunt event
Bait: Pecan Pecorino Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Great_winter_hunt event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
This Winter Hunt loving mouse just loves Snow Golems of all shapes and sizes, going out of its way to make sure every snow creation is fully dressed for the occasion.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Fort Rox > NIGHT TIME:,Twilight,Midnight,Pitch,Utter Darkness
Bait: Moon Cheese ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
The work day of a miner never ends! With the night reinvigorating the miners in the area, more work can now be done! The Night Shift Materials Manager Mouse has also expanded into collecting the now irresistible Howlite and will drop some if caught!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Fort Rox > NIGHT TIME:,Midnight,Pitch,Utter Darkness,First Light
Bait: Moon Cheese ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
An old, wise mystic who seems to be immune to the magic emanating from the meteorite. It looks as though he has harnessed the power of meteorite itself and is using it to ward the meteorite's mysterious magics.
Perhaps he has seen this kind of thing before... Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Profile Description
Angry, thunderous magics cascade and flow through the fingers of the Nightfire Mouse. This mouse is almost bound to the magic emanating from the fallen space rock, commanding the swirling black dust of meteorite that hovers above its impact zone. In these dense clouds of space dust, he weaves mighty storms of terrible lightning!
This mouse will let nothing come between him and the meteor! With his abilities to command space tempests, he brings greater damage to your fort wall when he is not captured! Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Fort Rox > NIGHT TIME:,Twilight,Midnight,Pitch,Utter Darkness
Bait: Moon Cheese ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
An extremely powerful mage, this mouse uses his powers to commune with the meteorite and control the phases of the night. Performing powerful rituals to bend the darkness to his will, he empowers his fellow Shadow mice by giving them more time to lay siege to your fort.
Failing to catch the Nightmancer Mouse allows him to complete his ritual, pushing back the dawn and extending the night by 3 hunts. Mousehunt Wiki page
Profile Description
The frequent rain showers from the storms on the plateau make Nightshade bloom like wildflowers. This attracts flower girls who enjoy the lovely colours and rich aromas that come from these plants.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Zokor
Bait: Glowing Gruyere Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: The Nightshade Fungalmancer Mouse can be found in the Overgrown Farmhouse (50+ Farming clues). Weaknesses
Profile Description
These fungalmancers have picked up a thing or two from the scholars practicing their magics throughout the Labyrinth. Usually hidden from sight beneath their leaves, they absorb the magical energies cast out from other mice and harness them within their roots. They wait for unsuspecting intruders upon which to test their new powers.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Profile Description
While others eventually outgrow the task of picking wild Nightshade, these maidens dedicate themselves to the acquisition of these wondrous flowers for their entire lives! With their advanced knowledge of nightshade, they know that it glows the brightest when exposed to Cavern Fungus, inspiring them to collect a few of those as well.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Profile Description
The highest class from the lowest depths of the caverns. Dressed in a glowing nightshade leaf gown accompanied by a fancy masquerade mask, this mouse is trying its best to be fancy among the filth and fungus.
Her glamorous lifestyle has given her a taste for SUPER|brie+ and she will only make an appearance in public if there is some of this highly sought after cheese on your trap. Mousehunt Wiki page