
Goods Type Firearmsfirearms
Goods Type Category 3
Local Specialty -
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
SevilleSeville Market Keeper Europe Western Europe
BremenBremen Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe 15th Century - Period 215th Century - Period 2
VisbyVisby Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe 17th Century - Period 117th Century - Period 1
17th Century - Period 217th Century - Period 2
18th Century - Period 118th Century - Period 1
TriesteTrieste Market Keeper Europe Eastern Europe 16th Century - Period 116th Century - Period 1
16th Century - Period 216th Century - Period 2
16th Century - Period 316th Century - Period 3
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Make arquebuses
CoalCoal x2
IronIron x2
ArquebusesArquebuses x2-3
A Western rifle that fires shot less than 20g.