
Goods Type Medicinemedicine
Goods Type Category 1
Local Specialty -
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
TripoliTripoli Market Keeper Europe Western Europe
Shore Opposite CairoShore Opposite Cairo CollectionCollection Europe Eastern Europe
Used as material in
Recipe Materials Result Note
Make danu's prayer
6 3
BelladonnaBelladonna x15
DigitalisDigitalis x10
Black Alchemy OintmentBlack Alchemy Ointment x2
Danus Prayer x2-3
Make Hez curse powder
3 4
BelladonnaBelladonna x8
MandrakeMandrake x5
Red Alchemy OintmentRed Alchemy Ointment x1
Heids Spelldust x2-3
Meaning beautiful lady in Italian, drops applied to the eyes will widen the pupils.