
Goods Type Seasoningsseasonings
Goods Type Category 1
Local Specialty -
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
GroningenGroningen Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
MarseilleMarseille Market Keeper Europe Western Europe
ZadarZadar Market Keeper Europe Eastern Europe
SalonikaSalonika Market Keeper Europe Eastern Europe
AthensAthens Market Keeper Europe Eastern Europe
JofraJofra Market Keeper Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
KuchingKuching Market Keeper Asia Southeast Asia
HobartHobart Market Keeper Oceania Oceania
WanganuiWanganui Market Keeper Oceania Oceania
MacedoniaMacedonia CollectionCollection Europe Eastern Europe
CampagnaCampagna CollectionCollection Europe Eastern Europe
Siem Reap OutskirtsSiem Reap Outskirts CollectionCollection Asia Southeast Asia
North LimaNorth Lima CollectionCollection America South America
Northeast LimaNortheast Lima CollectionCollection America South America
South America Southwest CoastSouth America Southwest Coast CollectionCollection America South America
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Producing honey
BeehivesBeehives x3 HoneyHoney x1-2
Used as material in
Collected from the hive of the honey bee.
Bee-keeping has an ancient history.