
Goods Type Wareswares
Goods Type Category 2
Local Specialty -
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
LondonLondon Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
AmsterdamAmsterdam Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
St. PetersburgSt. Petersburg Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
DublinDublin Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
CattaroCattaro Market Keeper Europe Eastern Europe
TernateTernate Market Keeper Asia Southeast Asia
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Make iron
Iron OreIron Ore x1 IronIron x1-2
Mass produce iron
Iron OreIron Ore x50 IronIron x50
Used as material in
Multiple studding sailsMultiple studding sails View details
Shipwright Basics - Casting BookShipwright Basics - Casting Book View details
Firearms TechniquesFirearms Techniques View details
Weapon Manufacturing TechniquesWeapon Manufacturing Techniques View details
Casting- Fine Protective GearCasting- Fine Protective Gear View details
Fine armour - ornamentingFine armour - ornamenting View details
Modified Large Cannon Casting BookModified Large Cannon Casting Book View details
Normal cannon enhancementNormal cannon enhancement View details
Cannon Casting - MediumCannon Casting - Medium View details
Special cannon enhancementSpecial cannon enhancement View details
Making experiment apparatusMaking experiment apparatus View details
Making Special equipment- LargeMaking Special equipment- Large View details
Making Special equipmentMaking Special equipment View details
Making extra metal armouringMaking extra metal armouring View details
Shipwright Basics - Crafts BookShipwright Basics - Crafts Book View details
Armoursmith's techniqueArmoursmith's technique View details
Sculpting - Famous PersonSculpting - Famous Person View details
Sculpting- Indian MythologySculpting- Indian Mythology View details
Sculpting- Greek MythologySculpting- Greek Mythology View details
Sculpting Figure of HumanSculpting Figure of Human View details
Sculpting Figure of Land AnimalsSculpting Figure of Land Animals View details
Sculpting Figure of BirdSculpting Figure of Bird View details
Making Special Extra ArmouringMaking Special Extra Armouring View details
Making extra wood armouringMaking extra wood armouring View details
Tools for land battle- crafts bookTools for land battle- crafts book View details
Shipbuilding/Metal workShipbuilding/Metal work View details
Shipbuilding/RiggingShipbuilding/Rigging View details
Shipbuilding/Casting v1Shipbuilding/Casting v1 View details
Shipbuilding/Crafts v1Shipbuilding/Crafts v1 View details
Shipbuilding/Crafts v2Shipbuilding/Crafts v2 View details
Shipbuilding/Casting v3Shipbuilding/Casting v3 View details
Shipbuilding/Crafts v3Shipbuilding/Crafts v3 View details
Shipbuilding/Row Boat v1Shipbuilding/Row Boat v1 View details
Shipbuilding/Light oarShipbuilding/Light oar View details
Shipbuilding/Sp. All-purpose RamShipbuilding/Sp. All-purpose Ram View details
Shipbuilding/Control towerShipbuilding/Control tower View details
Shipbuilding/Money ChestShipbuilding/Money Chest View details
Shipbuilding/Hull - IShipbuilding/Hull - I View details
Furniture making - Mediterranean Pt 1Furniture making - Mediterranean Pt 1 View details
Furniture making - Mediterranean Pt 2Furniture making - Mediterranean Pt 2 View details
Furniture making - North Sea Pt 1Furniture making - North Sea Pt 1 View details
Furniture making - North Sea Pt 2Furniture making - North Sea Pt 2 View details
Furniture making - CaribbeanFurniture making - Caribbean View details
Casting Expert's Secret NotesCasting Expert's Secret Notes View details
Making Cultivation ToolsMaking Cultivation Tools View details
Results of Research in ShipbuildingResults of Research in Shipbuilding View details
State of Art SewingState of Art Sewing View details
General parts improvementGeneral parts improvement View details
Casting Master 16-gun CannonsCasting Master 16-gun Cannons View details
A widely used metal refined from iron ore.