Lead Ore

Lead Ore
Goods Type Oresores
Goods Type Category 2
Local Specialty -
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
PlymouthPlymouth Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
LubeckLubeck Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
HamburgHamburg Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
BarcelonaBarcelona Market Keeper Europe Western Europe
FaroFaro Market Keeper Europe Western Europe 16th Century - Period 216th Century - Period 2
16th Century - Period 316th Century - Period 3
AcapulcoAcapulco Market Keeper America Caribbean/Central America
Southeast LubeckSoutheast Lubeck CollectionCollection Europe Northern Europe
West FamagustaWest Famagusta CollectionCollection Europe Eastern Europe
Byblos OutskirtsByblos Outskirts CollectionCollection Europe Eastern Europe
Australia Northwest CoastAustralia Northwest Coast CollectionCollection Oceania Oceania
UluruUluru CollectionCollection Oceania Oceania
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Extracting lead ore
Blue OreBlue Ore x1 Lead OreLead Ore x1-2
Used as material in
Recipe Materials Result Note
Make lead
Lead OreLead Ore x1 LeadLead x1-2
Ores such as galena that contain lead, also yield copper and zinc.