Tin Ore

Tin Ore
Goods Type Oresores
Goods Type Category 2
Local Specialty -
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
PlymouthPlymouth Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
RotterdamRotterdam Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
BremenBremen Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe 15th Century - Period 315th Century - Period 3
HamburgHamburg Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
PortoPorto Market Keeper Europe Western Europe
DoualaDouala Market Keeper Africa Western Africa
Cape TownCape Town Market Keeper Africa Southern Africa
MalaccaMalacca Market Keeper Asia Southeast Asia
Lop BuriLop Buri Market Keeper Asia Southeast Asia
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Extracting tin ore
Yellow OreYellow Ore x1 Tin OreTin Ore x1-2
Used as material in
Recipe Materials Result Note
Make bronze
Copper OreCopper Ore x1
Tin OreTin Ore x1
BronzeBronze x1-3
Mass produce bronze
Copper OreCopper Ore x25
Tin OreTin Ore x25
BronzeBronze x50
Making Tin Plate
5 3
Tin OreTin Ore x10
SteelSteel x10
Tin Plate x1-2 MA item
Industrial Revolution Materials
Making Tin Plate
5 3
Tin OreTin Ore x10
SteelSteel x10
Tin Plate x1-2 MA item
Industrial Revolution Materials
Ore that contains tin.
Tin is combined with zinc to make bronze.