
Goods Type Luxury Goodsluxury_goods
Goods Type Category 2
Local Specialty Caribbean Sea
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
PernambucoPernambuco Market Keeper America Caribbean/Central America
WillemstadWillemstad Market Keeper America Caribbean/Central America
JamaicaJamaica Market Keeper America Caribbean/Central America
HavanaHavana Market Keeper America Caribbean/Central America
BostonBoston Market Keeper America E Coast of North America
Upper EuphratesUpper Euphrates CollectionCollection Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
Northwest BasraNorthwest Basra CollectionCollection Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
South America North Coast PlateauSouth America North Coast Plateau CollectionCollection America Caribbean/Central America
Amazon River UpstreamAmazon River Upstream CollectionCollection America Caribbean/Central America
East HavanaEast Havana CollectionCollection America Caribbean/Central America
North America Southeast CoastNorth America Southeast Coast CollectionCollection America Caribbean/Central America
West Santo DomingoWest Santo Domingo CollectionCollection America Caribbean/Central America
Amazon InlandAmazon Inland CollectionCollection America Caribbean/Central America
Native to South America.
Leaves are dried before use.